Sui mainnet went live on 5/3, with nearly 100,000 names confirmed for the Sui Recognition Sale.

Sui mainnet went live on 5/3, with nearly 100,000 names confirmed for the Sui Recognition Sale.

Following the delay in the IEO and Recognition Sale events, the Meta public chain Sui announced important news on 4/20: the mainnet will go live on 5/3. The Recognition Sale, where Sui tokens can be purchased at a discounted price, will take place, with approximately 96,000 Discord community members having the opportunity to participate.

Sui Mainnet Launches on May 3

Sui announced on 4/20 that its mainnet will go live on May 3, 2023.

Sui Recognition Sale List Confirmation

In response to community feedback, Sui officials stated that active users in their Discord community will have the opportunity to qualify for a whitelist, enabling them to purchase SUI at a lower price. This initiative is known as the Recognition Sale. Delays in list confirmation had impacted the IEO exchange, but as of April 20, the list has been officially finalized.

Statistics for Sui Recognition Sale Qualifications

Prior to February 1, 2023, over 340,000 accounts in the Sui community were eligible to apply for the Recognition Sale. A total of 180,000 accounts submitted applications, with many bot and duplicate accounts removed.

Selection Process for Sui Recognition Sale

Sui will sort submissions based on applicable geographic restrictions for each exchange. For instance, residents of the United States are not allowed to participate.

The Sui Foundation has developed a random selection algorithm to generate a sorted list for exchanges, and allocations will be distributed proportionally. Official details

Number of Eligible Participants for Sui Recognition Sale

If all users on the list purchase the maximum amount, Sui estimates that around 96,000 individuals will be able to participate in the Recognition Sale.

Notification for Sui Recognition Sale

The Sui Foundation will contact participants on the whitelist via email on April 20, 2023, providing detailed instructions on how to connect with the exchange.

Important Note: The Sui Foundation will not request any "previously provided information" or include any external links in emails. Please be cautious of any fraudulent or phishing activities.