New York State's anti-mining law pending review, Bitcoin miners temporarily granted freedom

New York State

The New York State Assembly was expected to be tense on Thursday evening as a vote on the "Anti-Mining Bill" passed by the Senate was scheduled. However, the Assembly did not vote on the bill, resulting in the failure of the "Anti-Mining Bill" to be legislated before Thursday, effectively declaring the bill dead. If legislation is to proceed, it will have to start over.

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The New York State Assembly was supposed to be tense on Thursday night as a vote on the "Anti-Mining Bill" passed by the Senate was expected, but the Assembly did not vote on the bill. The "Anti-Mining Bill" did not legislate before Thursday, effectively declaring the bill dead, requiring a fresh start if legislation is to proceed.

The "Empire State" does not have restrictions on mining, which can serve as a buffer for Bitcoin miners and also carries symbolic significance.

The bill to restrict mining was proposed by Senator Kevin S. Parker, as the coal-fired power plant Greenidge Generation in northern New York originally had low power generation but later provided 19 megawatts of natural gas fuel to mining equipment. Kevin S. Parker introduced the anti-mining bill based on the 2019 Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act, preparing to expand restrictions on Bitcoin mining operations.

The version of the anti-mining bill that was passed by the Senate would have suspended permits for Bitcoin mining facilities using carbon-based fuels and required a review of existing equipment and the environment.

However, Greenidge Generation publicly committed last month to invest in clean energy to offset its carbon emissions from operations, thereby achieving carbon neutrality goals.

Many Bitcoin advocates believe that mining can recycle wasted energy, including renewable energy sources such as hydro, geothermal, and solar power, to achieve carbon neutrality.

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