Multiple robberies reported at Belgium's ETHCC, suspected to target participants of the cryptocurrency summit

Multiple robberies reported at Belgium

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Criminals Targeting Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts at ETHCC

During the recent 7th edition of the Ethereum Community Conference ETHCC 7 held in Belgium, some members of the crypto community revealed on Twitter that they were victims of robbery and violent incidents in the capital city of Brussels. The criminals seemed to target attendees who held significant amounts of cryptocurrency.

One participant, @evanincrypto, tweeted:

I was robbed in the early hours of the 9th, my knee was seriously injured but thankfully the rest of me is fine. This was my first time in Brussels and Europe to attend ETHCC, this incident does not represent the entire country, I share this story to let everyone know, no matter where you are, safety is important, everyone be careful.

@evanincrypto Tweet

Cryptocurrency Enthusiasts in Brussels: It's Really Dangerous Here

Crypto community member @Mister_Ch0c replied that he is from Brussels himself, and the robbery incident is a reflection of the city. He would never go out empty-handed.

Hedge fund manager loracle.eth retweeted @evanincrypto's tweet and directly marked the dangerous area.

He also mentioned that he lives in Brussels and if one is not capable of fighting, it's best not to pass through those areas.

Dangerous Areas in Brussels

ETHCC Turns into Token2049 Revisited

In April of this year, Token2049 held in Dubai coincided with record-breaking heavy rain, with up to 254 mm of rainfall on 4/16, equivalent to two years' worth of rain. Many roads were flooded, and there were numerous delays and flight cancellations at Dubai Airport.

Heavy Rain Bombards Taipei and New Taipei City, Dubai Receives Two Years' Worth of Rain in One Day, Extreme Weather to Cause $25 Trillion Loss

Similarly, this year's ETHCC seems to have turned into a revisit of Token2049, experiencing not only hail but also flooding in some areas.

In addition to the violent robbery incidents in Brussels, there were also many memes circulating on Twitter, urging the crypto community to be well-prepared before attending ETHCC.