ENS COO Brantly's past homophobic and discriminatory remarks were exposed, and his contract has now been terminated.

ENS COO Brantly

ENS Ethereum Name Service founder Nick Johnson announced on the 7th that the Chief Operating Officer Brantly Millegan's contract with TNL has been terminated. This decision was primarily due to Brantly's controversial posts on Twitter in the past, which expressed strong discrimination against gender identity.

Brantly Millegan Terminated by TNL

"True Names Limited (TNL), a non-profit organization that funds and organizes the development of ENS, has terminated the contract of Brantly Millegan," said Nick Johnson on Twitter today.

The decision was made following the resurfacing of a tweet from Brantly Millegan in 2016, which sparked community backlash. In the tweet, Brantly referred to homosexuality as demonic, denied the existence of transgender individuals, labeled abortion as murder, and described contraception, watching adult content, and masturbation as "perverse behaviors."

The community expressed strong discontent towards these discriminatory and controversial remarks, believing that the spirit of Web3 should be inclusive and welcoming of diversity. However, as a representative of the core protocols of Web3, Brantly did not reflect these values.

Despite the backlash over his past remarks, Brantly did not offer an apology and continued to defend his views. "I profess the world's largest religion, apparently not allowed in web3?" Millegan countered.

ENS Community Vote

As the situation escalated, ENS community administrator coltron.eth initiated a community vote to remove Millegan from his community steward position.

"Regardless of personal beliefs, as ENS DAO community stewards, we must set an example of inclusivity and not divide our community. Spreading hateful and discriminatory speech is not behavior befitting of community stewards. While contributions to the protocol have been made, this behavior is not tolerated," stated coltron.eth in the proposal.

Currently, further community proposals are ongoing, including a demand for Brantly to resign from his leadership position in ENS.

However, this news does not seem to have had a significant negative impact on the price of ENS, which has risen by 5% in the past day.