Telegram founder Pavel Durov's unexpected arrest: His partner suffered a miscarriage shortly after a surprising pregnancy.

Telegram founder Pavel Durov

Telegram founder Pavel Durov's partner, Juli Vavilova, recently revealed that she discovered she was pregnant after Pavel Durov was arrested by the French police on August 24. Unfortunately, she suffered a miscarriage on October 4.

Like a movie plot, Pavel discovered he was pregnant the day after being caught

Juli Vavilova stated on Telegram that the day after Pavel Durov was caught, she found out she was pregnant. She said: "For some reason, I felt the need to take a pregnancy test. Mario, Pavel Durov's assistant, said that if this were a movie, I might find out I was pregnant." It seems human intuition is quite accurate.

She said: "I took a pregnancy test in a café in Paris. The result displayed in French: 'Enceinte 3+'. I ran upstairs to translate. When it said pregnant, the shock on my face. I felt helpless, unable to run and tell Pavel Durov the good news because he was still unreachable."

She then received a notice from the police to assist in the investigation. However, her doctor advised against it as the stress in the early stages of pregnancy is very dangerous. Nevertheless, a month later, she spent four hours answering the police's questions.

Facing tragedy in October, Pavel's Paris detention remains uncertain

As September approached, this expectant mother's communication devices were also taken by the police. However, she considered it as a detox from the internet addiction. She wanted to face the arrival of new life in the best physical and mental condition, saying, "It's easy to give up or go crazy, but we accepted this new reality in uncertainty."

However, things took a turn quickly. On October 4th, the doctor informed Juli Vavilova that the fetus no longer had a heartbeat. Juli Vavilova described the pain as indescribable, but the surgery the next day did not cause further harm.

False news spread in the community, Pavel himself expressed his views

However, after Juli Vavilova's post spread on the internet, many false news stories emerged, such as assuming the two were welcoming new life based on the first half of the post. Now let's take a look at Pavel Durov's own perspective.

On August 27th, the Telegram founder was in his third day of interrogation, describing it as a digital detox. He asked the police if Juli would come for questioning, and the police hesitantly said she was supposed to. Pavel Durov then asked why Juli didn't come. Was she scared? Or had she already left Paris? The police hesitantly revealed that Juli was already pregnant.

Pavel Durov said this was not the answer he expected at all, as the situation was not optimistic at the time. Juli was alone in a foreign country she had never been to before. No one knew when the two could reunite. Pavel Durov said he remained calm throughout the investigation process, but this caught him off guard.

However, Pavel Durov was released the next day, but the atmosphere between the two was not as joyful as most partners welcoming new life. During his absence, Juli Vavilova faced a lot of public pressure. Some said she was a Mossad Israeli Armed Forces spy, while others blamed her post for Pavel Durov's arrest. Pavel Durov said, "Unlike me, she is not accustomed to hostility. She was not born for war." It seems the Telegram founder is very concerned about the pressure his partner is under.

Finally, Pavel Durov also described his reaction when he learned about the miscarriage. He said that two days ago, when Juli sent "😭😭😭" from the hospital, he knew what had happened, as he was working 12 hours a day at that time.