Cardano Founder Criticizes Ethereum's "Dictatorship": ADA's New Governance Model Superior to Ethereum and Bitcoin

Cardano Founder Criticizes Ethereum

Cardano ADA founder Charles Hoskinson recently stated at Token 2049 that according to the Cardano roadmap, it has reached the Voltaire phase, allowing community members to vote on the future development of the blockchain. The intention is to prevent governance from being as dictatorial as Ethereum and avoid the state of anarchy seen in Bitcoin.

Criticism of Ethereum's Overreliance on Vitalik

Former co-founder of Ethereum, Hoskinson, who parted ways with Vitalik due to differences in ideology, has now turned back to criticize Ethereum's governance model. Hoskinson believes that Ethereum overly relies on Vitalik's decisions, questioning why it can't be kept simple like Bitcoin? Or why not elect a "real leader" for governance?

Proposing a New Governance Model for ADA to Avoid Becoming Like Bitcoin and Ethereum

Hoskinson added that Cardano's new governance model involves delegated representatives and community members organizing through "Intersect" to collectively address the "efficiency, effectiveness, and integrity" tri-lemma, simplifying governance issues and conducting votes. This approach aims to prevent Cardano from falling into the "anarchy state" of Bitcoin and the "dictatorship" of Ethereum, integrating all opinions and guiding Cardano towards a clear direction.

What If Vitalik Leaves Ethereum in the Future

When asked to explain what "dictatorial Ethereum" means, Hoskinson stated, "Although Ethereum started with him, it will also end with him." He elaborated that currently, everyone looks to Vitalik for inspiration and roadmap, as he is the only one with enough influence to unify everyone. "But if he were to leave the team now, how would the next hard fork of Ethereum evolve? How quickly could goals be achieved?"

Hoskinson Points Out Ethereum's Misplaced Priorities and Increased User Burden

Hoskinson mentioned that the changes in Ethereum's roadmap are mainly led by Vitalik, who shifted from the originally shard-based expansion approach to relying on rollup L2 to enhance Ethereum's scalability.

In recent months, Ethereum's roadmap has faced criticism for excessively relying on "extractive L2 solutions," leading to a decrease in main chain L1 transaction fee revenue and activity.

He also questioned, "Where did these ideas of embracing L2 and proposing rollups come from? Was it some Ethereum engineer or did Vitalik write about this topic?"

Ethereum developers discuss development dilemmas, revealing Ethereum has deviated from the right path.

Focusing on Decentralization and Continuous Innovation, Establishing Charter Regulations

Hoskinson acknowledged that while he played a role similar to Vitalik's in building Cardano, the new governance model of Cardano is designed to ensure that "his presence or absence will not have an impact, and innovation will continue." Following the September Chang hard fork, ADA became a governance token, allowing holders to participate in elections and have the opportunity to serve as representatives, voting on development proposals and project funding. However, system upgrades and hard forks previously led by the Cardano Foundation, IOHK, and Emurgo can no longer be triggered.

Hoskinson stated that even without a leader, the collaborative model between Intersect organization and delegated representatives allows the system to continue operating in a decentralized manner. Cardano is currently establishing regulations to specify ADA's supply and governance.

Concerns Over Slow Development and Unrealistic Applications of Cardano's Future

Despite Cardano claiming to develop in a scientific manner, emphasizing rigorous academic and research methods, the project's slow development and disconnect from market demands have drawn heavy criticism. Examples include overhyping actual adoption such as the Ethiopian education system and low activity levels in Cardano's DeFi lock-up volume significantly lower than Ethereum and Binance Smart Chain.

Furthermore, delays in smart contract functionality from the Alonzo upgrade, lagging NFT ecosystem development, and some partnership projects falling short of expectations raise doubts as to why there is always overpromising. As for Cardano's future, let's wait and see.

BitMEX founder criticizes ADA as garbage, challenges Charles Hoskinson: go buy some ETH