Former ChainNews Research Director Pan Zhixiong created the RSS tool ChainFeeds to open-source 500 important information streams.

Former ChainNews Research Director Pan Zhixiong created the RSS tool ChainFeeds to open-source 500 important information streams.

The Chinese media outlet "ChainNews," which used to be a prominent source of blockchain and cryptocurrency information in the Chinese-speaking community, chose to shut down after facing pressure from the Chinese government. Following this, the founder and content team continue to provide perspectives and information on Twitter and the decentralized content platform Mirror. The former research director of ChainNews, Pan Zhixiong, has also announced his new entrepreneurial endeavor today: ChainFeeds, an integrated blockchain information tool.

Relearn to Think Independently! What is RSS?

In explaining the entrepreneurial idea, Pan Zhixiong stated: "After several months of contemplation, creating a push channel alone cannot help the Web3 industry solve the fundamental problem of information acquisition."

RSS is a specification for syndicating news and the content of news-like sites. In simple terms, it can aggregate updates from multiple websites and automatically notify subscribers. Pan Zhixiong mentioned that when ChainNews first started, they also used RSS to gather information, but it did not meet all the needs. Later, they independently built an internal system, but there is still much room for optimization.

The "RSS Aggregator for Web3" tool created by Pan Zhixiong this time can solve the problem of RSS Feed initialization. It is suitable for in-depth researchers, practitioners, communities, KOLs, etc., rooted in this industry. With the existing professional knowledge and information aggregation speed, they can obtain information sources that are more organized and efficient.

It is claimed that this is only the first step of the project, and in the future, they will also open account systems, content storage, and composability, etc.