High Salary, WFH, Riding the Wave: How to Land a Job in the Web 3 and Cryptocurrency Sector?

High Salary, WFH, Riding the Wave: How to Land a Job in the Web 3 and Cryptocurrency Sector?

The DeFi Edge, a DeFi researcher, has compiled a list of job types in the Web3 and crypto fields as well as a summary of developing related skills, emphasizing the intense competition future Web3 jobs will face and highlighting the current sweet spot for entry. He says, "You're on Twitter all day looking for Alpha information, why not let others pay you to do it?"

Original link: https://twitter.com/thedefiedge/status/1509202153407057929

Why Work in Web3?

  1. High Salary: Cryptocurrency companies have abundant venture capital and are actively hiring.
  2. Flexibility: Many allow remote work.
  3. This is the Future: Secure a ticket to the rising industry.

The author of The DeFi Edge, referred to as TDE, mentioned:

Now is the best time to get in as Web3 will continue to exist. Some people see risks in this, preferring to stay in the comfort zone of Web2, but in a few years, jobs in Web3 will face fierce competition. This is the "sweet spot" now. Let's take a look at the job opportunities available.

1. Writers

From media to various protocols, everyone wants writers, including four types:

A. Content Writers: Writing long-form content such as blog posts, emails to help readers understand the company and maintain user engagement. While Web2 companies rely on Google/Facebook ads, cryptocurrency companies, due to ad restrictions, are using writers to gain attention for the company.

B. Journalists: Reporting on cryptocurrency news for the media.

C. Technical Writers: Understanding technical details of blockchain protocols, writing Gitbooks, whitepapers, announcements, etc., to make it easier for users to understand.

D. Copywriters: Persuasive copywriters who can drive sales. As protocols become more robust, simply explaining the protocol is not enough. TDE emphasizes the need to persuade users to register and use the product, making this the realm of copywriters.

2. Researchers

TDE pointed out:

Many of you spend your days on Twitter and Discord searching for top-notch Alpha information. Instead of doing it for free, let others pay you to do this. Many companies are eager to hire researchers, claiming it is one of the most lacking positions. This is a great direction for those who are not developers or engineers.

Researcher Demand

Types of Researchers:

  • Researching paid products or columns.
  • Researching transactions for venture capital or other institutions.
  • Analyzing data and presenting it in an understandable way.
Blockworks recruiting researchers

TDE mentioned that newcomers in the crypto field can try applying for internship positions, entering with zero experience, as companies provide guidance and compensation.

Internship job description

3. Marketing Specialists

In the current crypto landscape, a land grab is happening, with various crypto companies vying for user attention. Marketing specialists are another high-demand job. There are different types:

  1. Setting strategies, vision, brand.
  2. Specializing in SEO or growth through channels like Twitter.
  3. Community social media manager.
  4. Sales representatives.
BlockFi's content marketing specialist

4. Design

Cryptocurrency products are often challenging for mainstream users to use, making it an area where designers can shine:

  • Brand shaping: Making the product more appealing.
  • UX/UI designers: Improving usability for easier navigation.
  • Product design, quality control.

5. Community Managers

Building communities on platforms like Discord, Reddit, Twitter, Facebook, where community managers represent protocols, collect community feedback, and overlap in some responsibilities with marketing specialists.

6. Developers, Engineers

Great developers are the star positions in the crypto industry, with salaries matching Silicon Valley levels. TDE pointed out the difference:

Finding a developer job in Web3 is much easier compared to entering a tech giant company.

7. Some "Normal" Jobs

  • Administrative Assistant
  • Product Manager
  • Project Manager
  • Risk Analyst
  • Accountant
  • Sales Representative
  • HR Specialist

8. Future Jobs in Web3

TDE mentioned that Web3 companies are creating positions that did not exist a year ago:

Imagine how many token economics experts the world needs? Demand exceeds supply.

Job Seeking Advice

1. Build an Audience:

TDE mentioned that Web3 companies are not particularly concerned about degrees; they value experience and background. Just as when hiring designers, they need to see their portfolios. He stated:

I started this Twitter account in January this year, and a few weeks later, companies offered me a six-figure salary. The key is to build a large enough audience. Understanding how to build an audience on Twitter is crucial. Having only 600 followers won't make big companies notice you. Increasing your audience increases your chances.

2. Accumulate Experience Without Experience: Some companies only look for experienced individuals. What can you do? Many DAOs and protocols are constantly seeking volunteers, offering work for experience.

  • Want to be a community platform manager? Work for free to manage a Twitter account.
  • Want to be a community manager? Work for free to manage Discord.

This can give you an advantage over others, and "free" work is not forever. Think of it as an investment in your future, a part of your "tuition fee." You will gain experience and a stepping stone, which is more important than you think.

TDE summarized:

  1. Web3 companies are actively hiring, making now the perfect time to enter.
  2. You don't need to be a developer; there are non-technical jobs like writing, researching, and community management.
  3. Web3 also has a demand for traditional roles like assistants, HR, and engineers.

TDE has created a Web3 recruitment website, offering anonymous applications and being 100% free. He claims a DeFi version of the recruitment site will be launched in the future.