Bitterness in my heart, who knows! Yearn founder AC: I have completed four new products, but I dare not release them.

Bitterness in my heart, who knows! Yearn founder AC: I have completed four new products, but I dare not release them.

Yesterday, Yearn founder Andre Cronje released a tweet expressing his frustration with the current market and development environment, stating, "I have 4 new products ready, but I'm demoralized, I can't release any of them." What could be the reasons behind this?

Bulls in the Market, Bears in Development

(Translated article, original can be found here)

This perspective is stranger compared to what I am used to, so the expression may be a bit unclear.

In this market, everyone is right, no one is wrong, and trying to be a "correct" project makes no sense.

In this market, the value of scam projects can grow alongside legitimate projects (sometimes even more), causing legitimate development teams to lose motivation.

In this market, releasing a product without a token is meaningless; it can't attract funds, can't build a community, and the product can't rely solely on its merits to succeed.

In this market, if you don't issue a token, your code will be copied by an anonymous team within 24 hours, forked into a tokenized version, and then they will tell you how much better the forked version is compared to the original.

This market rewards scammers and plagiarists.

I have had conversations beyond my imagination; "investors" tell me they have invested in a project they know is a scam, but they say, "Oh, but we won't mention it publicly or endorse it," yet they say, "Anyway, the quota will be bought out no matter what, why say no to free money?"

"Supporting scams" is the state of the market because it is "free money." Innovators are afraid to release products, or they are forced to use tokens to release products, stifling innovation. Eventually, they are forced to spend 99% of their time focusing on tokens rather than the product itself.

I once held respect for certain projects that initially tried to innovate but ended up releasing a new token every other week to increase its value.

I know there is a saying among traders and investors: "Do you want to be rich, or do you want to be a good person?" I didn't understand the meaning of this saying in the past, but now I finally do. Unfortunately, I want to do the right thing.

I have completed four new products, but I am frustrated. I dare not release any of them because I know they will be easily forked with a token by others, and I don't think I am the only one afraid; we are starting to see copyright and commercial licenses in the field.

Bulls in the market, bears in development; bears in the market, bulls in development.

There is no point, as I said, it's a strange perspective, and I just needed to write it down.