Social media platforms jointly block controversial content! Telegram sees influx of new users, founder says: "The storm is coming."

Social media platforms jointly block controversial content! Telegram sees influx of new users, founder says: "The storm is coming."

Recently, Trump has been banned from major social media platforms, reigniting the debate on internet freedom of speech. As a result, there has been a significant influx of users to Telegram. Pavel Durov, co-founder of Telegram, has repeatedly stated that new user growth has been continuous over the past seven years, but this time it is "truly different."

People Should Have the Right to Freedom

Durov pointed out in his article that Telegram had over 500 million active users in the first week of January, with 25 million new users joining on the 12th, a significant increase compared to 1.5 million new users in 2020. He stated:

The public no longer wants to trade their privacy for free app services. Telegram is growing rapidly and has become the largest refuge for the public seeking a platform dedicated to privacy and secure communication. We see it as our duty not to let you down. Telegram is not an organization or an application; to us, it is an idea that represents the freedom rights of all people on Earth.

Leaders from Various Countries Join, Including the President of Taiwan

Durov posted again on the 14th, stating that new users are rapidly joining Telegram, and two more leaders have joined the platform:

Previously joined heads of state:

Durov expressed his honor that many political leaders and public organizations are using Telegram to combat misinformation and as a channel to disseminate important news. He mentioned:

Unlike other platforms, Telegram does not use opaque algorithms to decide whether users can see the content they subscribe to, restoring transparency and integrity to the one-to-many community platform, becoming the only reliable platform for opinion leaders and users.

It was previously reported that Telegram, which has been funded by its founder for a long time, will begin seeking profitability this year through methods such as introducing advertisements and more advanced sticker creation. The influx of new users this month is undoubtedly a great advantage.

However, Signal, which also focuses on private communication, soared to the top of the AppStore and Google Play free app rankings after being recommended by Tesla founder Elon Musk, potentially becoming one of Telegram's competitors.