Takashi Murakami's trendy NFT "CLONEX" to be publicly released by RTFKT in Taiwan at 2 a.m. on December 1st.

Takashi Murakami

Renowned fashion, trend, and art artist Takashi Murakami collaborates with RTFK, known for its online collectibles such as virtual sneakers, to launch the avatar PFP NFT project: CLONEX. The project will be released for public sale at 2 a.m. on December 1st through a Dutch auction, starting at 3 ETH with the price decreasing by 0.1 ETH every 30 minutes. Update 12/1: The pricing was later changed to a fixed 2 ETH.

CLONEX Project: 3D Fashion Virtual Avatars

Japanese artist Takashi Murakami collaborates with RTFK to create a PFP NFT project similar to CryptoPunks, designing features such as mouths, helmets, and clothing for characters, generating a total of 20,000 NFT characters digitally.

Benoit Pagotto, co-founder of RTFK, mentioned in an interview with Forbes that CLONEX marks the beginning of a new ecosystem for the brand, redefining people's perception of fashion brands beyond just clothing. They have also been developing 3D objects and will grant CLONE holders visitation rights. People can interact in the metaverse through virtual avatars.

An official video featuring Takashi Murakami and his work was released on the 30th. The video begins with the virtual character of CLONE and then pans out to a scene where Takashi Murakami and CLONE coexist in a real environment, welcoming people into Murakami's CLONE world.

NFT Basics and Community Opinions

This NFT project has gained significant popularity, with the brand's Twitter having 150,000 followers. On the 27th, holders of RTFK NFTs were able to participate in a presale, selling 11,133 units at a price of 0.05 ETH, which has now concluded. The trading prices of blind boxes on OpenSea started high and are now at a base price of 2.5 ETH.

For the public sale, 8,367 NFTs will be released. It is scheduled for 11/30 10:00 AM PT, which is 12/1 at 2:00 AM Taiwan time.

The official announcement stated that due to continuous attacks on the website, they have decided to temporarily halt the minting function until repairs and upgrades are completed. It is reported that the minting function will resume on 11/30 at 10:00 AM PT. This decision has sparked criticism within the community, with some believing that the official should not have shut down discussions on Discord. The official response cited too much spam and harassment messages. Others mentioned that the halt in minting was due to continuous flipping of NFTs, causing prices to plummet, thus necessitating the pause.

Update on 12/1: After the sellout, the official announced a airdrop message, stating that collectors who minted NFTs during the presale and public sale have a chance to win 1000 CLONEs in the airdrop.


Takashi Murakami Previously Released Classic Flower NFTs

In March 2021, Takashi Murakami released "Murakami.Flowers," consisting of 108 small flower NFTs on OpenSea. Less than a month later, he removed them, deeming the release too hasty, and plans to reissue them after adequate preparation. He emphasized his unwavering belief in the immense potential of NFTs.