Introduction to GameFi: Hearthstone on Polygon? Basic Gameplay of SkyWeaver

Introduction to GameFi: Hearthstone on Polygon? Basic Gameplay of SkyWeaver

This article is authorized to be reprinted from WalkinCat

This article heavily references Big Mac Strategy.

What is Skyweaver?

We can see from the official QA that this is a trading card game (TCG) that can be played for free on Polygon. Players can trade and gift their cards as NFTs!

In simpler terms, it is a card game similar to Hearthstone or Magic: The Gathering, where each card is an NFT. With NFTs, you can trade, exchange, or gift cards to friends or others!

What are the benefits of this?

Previously, when playing Hearthstone, many times we spent time and effort to collect certain key cards by continuously opening card packs and finally dismantling other cards to create a perfect deck. Now, you can simply purchase cards from the card market or put your cards for sale on the trading market. Doesn't it make playing cards more exciting?

Game Features

  1. American Style: All language is in English, and card names have interesting references such as constellations or developer tools (Homebrew).
  2. Card Upgrades: In a collectible card game, similar to popular games like Pokémon cards, Yu-Gi-Oh cards, or Magic: The Gathering, players can collect cards they like. What makes this game unique is that all cards are basic cards, and obtaining them relies on upgrades.
  3. Gold and Silver Cards: Gold and silver cards can be purchased with gold or silver coins. There are two ways to obtain silver coins:
  4. Weekly Reward: By ranking in the top 50 weekly, players can earn 1-5 silver coins.
  5. Conquest Arena: Participating in Conquest is similar to Hearthstone's Arena. Winning rewards players, although the author has not obtained Conquest tickets, so more information is unavailable.

By the way, gold and silver cards only look more stylish in the game and do not have different functionalities.

NFT Element: NFT stands for non-fungible tokens, but this article will not delve into the details.

Q: In the past, when playing Hearthstone, we obtained several event gold cards that cannot be dismantled or transferred. If we want to change accounts for gaming in the future, do these cards no longer belong to us?

A: "Yes, cards in centralized games cannot be taken away unless you request assistance from customer service, but this is unlikely to succeed. In a decentralized game like NFT, each card is your asset, and selling or exchanging them is entirely up to you!"

Introduction to Game Elements

We will introduce the elements in the game, categorized into modes, ranks, effects, triggers, enchantments, heroes, spells, and creatures.

Game Modes

The game consists of several modes: Ladder mode, Arena mode, Private mode, Practice mode, and Newbie Tutorial.

  1. Ladder Mode: Includes Random mode and Constructed mode. In Random mode, players choose a hero and are randomly given a deck of hero cards. In Constructed mode, players build their own deck. If the deck is incomplete, it will be randomly filled.
  2. Arena Mode: Requires an entry ticket, currently costing 1 Fake DAI. Successful completion rewards players with silver or gold coins, among other rewards.
  3. Private Mode: A place for players to spar with friends.
  4. Practice Mode: A beginner-friendly area where players can level up to 15.
  5. Newbie Tutorial: Upon starting the game, players go through a series of beginner tutorials consisting of four stages.

Each Prism attribute has 100 cards, with five attributes:

  • Strength
  • Wisdom
  • Agility
  • Heart
  • Intellect


Players gain 2 points for each win. Scholar ranks from 20 points, then Scholar+ at 24 points, Prophet at 28 points, and after Scholar+, points start to subtract. GrandWeaver is the top 25 in the server.

  • Wanderer
  • Apprentice
  • Scholar
  • Prophet
  • Master
  • GrandWeaver


  • Stealth: Units with Stealth must attack the hero first before revealing themselves. Spells can directly target them.
  • Wither: Units with Wither will reduce their attack power when attacked.
  • Guard: Units with Guard must be defeated before attacking the hero. (Different from Hearthstone's Taunt ability, as you can still attack non-Guard units but not the hero.)
  • Banner: Units with Banner effect increase hero attack by one. If a spell has the Banner effect, it lasts for one turn.
  • Lifesteal: Units with Lifesteal steal damage dealt to the opposing hero and heal themselves. (No order is required; when the hero and Lifesteal unit attack each other, the effect triggers.)
  • Armor: Units with Armor reduce damage from all units and spells by one. (If the opponent's attack causes one damage, it will show no damage dealt.)


  • Play: Triggered when a card is played.
  • Summon: Triggered when a card is summoned.
  • Inspire: Triggered when a specified effect is activated.
  • Glory: Triggered after a unit attacks the enemy hero.
  • Sunset: Triggered at the end of a turn.
  • Sunrise: Triggered at the start of a turn.
  • Mulligan: Triggers by shuffling all cards back into the deck and redrawing.
  • Draw: Simply allows drawing a card.
  • Dust: Removes the card from the game.
  • Death: Triggered after death, but cannot trigger if removed.


  • Lead: Nullifies "Effects," making it unable to be removed or overwritten by other effects, but damage still triggers.
  • Chains: Removes enchantments or spells, allowing other enchantments to be applied.
  • Silence: Removes non-enchantment effects, preventing their activation, and allowing other enchantments to be applied.
  • Shroud: Cannot be targeted by spells, but all spells still affect it (similar to Hearthstone's Faerie Dragon effect).
  • Shield: Nullifies physical damage once, but spells will still harm.
  • Barrier: Blocks the next magical damage (non-unit damage).
  • Fate: Draws a card of the same attribute upon death. If no card is available, the hero loses one health and draws a card.
  • Anima: When triggered or overwritten by another status, gains +2/+2.


  • Heroes start with 32 health and gain 1 attack each turn (similar to Magic: The Gathering's Planeswalker).
  • Heroes can have status, enchantments, and skills (as shown in the image below).
  • Heroes start with one skill, granting either two crystals or one crystal based on turn order.
  • There are a total of 15 heroes, each with different attributes.
  • Starting deck sizes: 20 cards for mono-attribute heroes and 30 cards for dual-attribute heroes.


Creatures, like heroes, can have status, enchantments, and skills.


In this article, the author introduced the game's features and elements. For players considering investment, acquiring gold card NFTs may require waiting until the end of the season, while other aspects may need to wait for the Beta version to conclude and officially launch!

The author's advice for beginners is to use the hero ADA, who leans towards fast attacks. Initially, refrain from immediately playing Ranked matches; instead, play against the computer to level up to 15. This will help you understand the cards faster and make fewer mistakes.

If you have any questions, feel free to join the WalkinCat community for discussions.
