The frequently exposed EOS ecosystem has also run away, embezzling over 3 billion dollars! Why don't you guys find BM and freeze it!?

The frequently exposed EOS ecosystem has also run away, embezzling over 3 billion dollars! Why don

Coin Hero has exposed the EOS ecosystem project multiple times in the past, and after the exposure, many investors have come to me to inquire about this project, whether it can be done, and its authenticity. Of course, my answer is always not to get involved, it's fake. However, there are still many people who insist on going down a path of no return.

Table of Contents

Reference: The Scam of EOS Ecology Voting: You Think You're in a Blockchain Revolution, But You're Actually Participating in a Scam

Investors Report EOS Finance Exit Scam: Are You Still Falling for EOS Ecology Voting Scams?

That's the reality - projects like EOS Ecology Community, EOS Finance, EOS Ecology, EOS Planet, have all disappeared into the river of history.

On October 17, 2018, the team pretended to participate in an auction and obtained the "" account created and delivered by starteosiobp.

Therefore, the team took advantage of the knowledge gap of newcomers to EOS in account creation and claimed to be core members of the Starteos team, hoping to gain user trust by using the name of Starteos super node.

Today, according to investor information, the EOS Ecology App can no longer be accessed, showing the following message.

Currently, funds have been transferred in large quantities to the huobidevice3 account. It is reported that this account is not a Huobi deposit account, so the funds are still outside. To be honest, it is not easy to cash out after circling money in EOS, as it is easily traceable and is now monitored by Huobi. As the main OTC exchange, Huobi faces issues in cashing out these funds.

Just like the previously illegally obtained EOS in the plu​​stoken, they are quietly lying in the wallet, almost equivalent to being destroyed due to the lack of good anonymity.

At this point, EOS has no turning point, and with so much funds needing to be cashed out urgently, the future trend of EOS may not be strong for a while.

Investors have expressed that they can no longer access their accounts.

During this time, there are likely to be many scams in the group, with their rhetoric being: "Don't report to the police, if we do, we will really lose our money; or even if we report, it's useless, the police won't care." But is this really the case? Of course not. Earlier, we exposed the EOS Finance project that has been formally sued by the court.

I took a look, and although this EOS has promotional rewards, fortunately, there are not many levels, so the possibility of fraud or non-collection is greater. With the example of EOS Finance before, it is better to file a case.

EOS does not have a mining model, but the income from node voting is not that high.

Below is the model of EOS Ecology, with static returns as high as 0.342%-3.42% per day, so this is just a pure Ponzi scheme. The annual reward for EOS voting is to evenly split 1% of the total newly added EOS tokens, so the end result is that the money is gone.

Although only 300 EOS in one account, many people register several or even dozens of accounts for investment, and in the end, they all end up losing everything.

Originally, this EOS Ecology has always claimed to be a Starteos node, and openly used this banner for public claims. Currently, Starteos has also issued a clarification, but to be honest, it's a bit late.

Before, on March 14, Starteos had already made a statement, which may have been the catalyst for EOS Ecology to exit, as it was no longer sustainable.

Based on the characteristics of EOS, it can freeze assets in an account, so why not contact BM to freeze them? Those interested can explore it, but to be frank, the implementation difficulty is high. EOS has long been criticized for centralization, so trying it out won't cost anything. Of course, whether it can be achieved technically still requires your own exploration.

This article is authorized by ChainNews for reprint, article source: ChainNews (ID: chainnewscom)

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