"Bottom-fishing Analysis: Influential KOLs Remain Calm Amid Pullback, Max Keiser: I Have Experienced Three 90% Bitcoin Corrections"

"Bottom-fishing Analysis: Influential KOLs Remain Calm Amid Pullback, Max Keiser: I Have Experienced Three 90% Bitcoin Corrections"

On the 21st, Bitcoin saw a single-day drop of over 15%, with Coinbase's price falling to $30,011, nearly erasing its gains for 2021. Senior figures in the crypto industry have shared their perspectives on this. While a few believe that the correction is not yet over, overall sentiment remains optimistic.

Senior Trader Josh Rager

Rager believes that the Bitcoin correction may not be over yet, with a possible low of $19,000 to $20,000. He advises against rushing to buy altcoins, Bitcoin, Ethereum, and other spot assets, but also sees no need to worry about timing the bottom. He is willing to enter the market at a higher price after confirming a rebound, stating:

There's nothing worse than buying and watching it drop.

Furthermore, he is bullish on DeFi projects like LINK, YFI, SUSHI, UNI, Aave, SNX, COMP, CRV, ALPHA, and RUNE.

Real Vision Group CEO Raoul Pal

Former Goldman Sachs fund manager and CEO/Founder of global market analysis company Real Vision, Raoul Pal, mentioned onTwitter:

For long-term holders of Bitcoin and Ethereum, this might be a good time to increase your position. I have personally added to my Ethereum holdings, and now it's time to invest in some more speculative projects, which I am researching before making any purchases. Good luck!

He emphasizes: "Ugly price = opportunity."

Grayscale Founder Barry Silbert

When Bitcoin hit a historic high of $41,986 on January 8th, Silbert had previously stated:

This is interesting. If Bitcoin were to return to $30,000, it would feel like the best buying opportunity of a lifetime.

Now that $30,000 has become a reality, he retweeted the same post andcommented: "Now you know what to do."

Compound Founder Robert Leshner

Leshner simply and FOMO-lystated:

Let's get started, I just bought the dip.

Responding to community inquiries, he also commented below that he bought Bitcoin.

Bitcoin Enthusiast Max Keiser

Facing the Bitcoin correction, Keiser, a veteran supporter, is perhaps the most qualified to speak. Hestated:

Since 2011, I have experienced three 90% price corrections. 30% is nothing to me. It's actually quite interesting. It's the investors holding worthless crap coins that should be worried.

Keiser pointedly indicates that all altcoins are worthless junk.