Breaking News: FTX.US acquires CFTC-compliant futures exchange LedgerX

Breaking News: FTX.US acquires CFTC-compliant futures exchange LedgerX

FTX US registered company West Realm Shire Services Inc announced a major acquisition, with the CFTC-regulated derivatives exchange LedgerX set to be acquired and officially integrated into the FTX umbrella. This move is expected to significantly aid FTX.US in promoting cryptocurrency derivatives business in the United States.

What Help Does LedgerX's Compliance Business Scope Bring?

LedgerX's compliance qualifications based on the CFTC include: Designated Contract Market (DCM), Swap Execution Facility (SEF), and Derivatives Clearing Organization (DCO).

LedgerX can provide physical contract settlement 24x7 for both retail and institutional investors, allowing for block trading and programmatic trading. Since 2017, LedgerX has settled over 10 million cryptocurrency options and swap contracts, and pioneered Bitcoin Mini Contracts trading.

It is reported that this acquisition will not affect LedgerX's existing business and users. FTX officials pointed out that this acquisition will aid in resource integration and the launch of products suitable for both retail and institutional investors. The greater significance is to drive innovative compliance and meet the standards of the U.S. financial services industry.

As of the deadline, the official acquisition amount has not been disclosed.