Is the investment philosophy of "the trend is your friend" applicable to everyone? Why is there no one-size-fits-all investment advice?

Is the investment philosophy of "the trend is your friend" applicable to everyone? Why is there no one-size-fits-all investment advice?

Investing is full of uncertainties, it is a game of probability and odds.

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(This article is authorized reprint from Blue Fox Notes, the original title is "Why There Is No Definite Investment Advice?", original article here)

Throughout the process of practice, various experiences are generated. However, these experiences only have meaning when combined with a specific individual. Experiences do not exist independently and cannot exist apart from specific individuals. In other words, experiences are not universal and cannot achieve the same effect on every person; they are something internalized in a specific individual. Experience is different from knowledge; knowledge is definitive, such as 1+1=2. Knowledge can exist independently of individuals, but experience cannot.

Therefore, in the process of investment, everyone can refer to the experiences of others but should not be confined to or imitate others. This is because everyone's risk tolerance, level of capital, cognition, emotions, patience, concept of time, financial perception, needs, etc., are all different. Therefore, there is no definite correct investment advice, and precision cannot be achieved at any time. Therefore, do not blindly believe in any individual, no matter how rich their experience is, as that is their experience, not yours. Experience cannot exist independently of specific individuals.

In addition, as the field develops, experiences can also be misleading, with extremely successful experiences or extremely failed lessons having an equal level of misleading. The most successful experiences will lead successful individuals to seek similar targets in the future; the most failed lessons will make losers try to avoid similar targets desperately. However, when circumstances change, previous experiences or lessons may no longer be applicable.

People rely on the path of experience. Therefore, we can also see that new leaders emerge in each cycle. This is because the experiences from the previous cycle are not entirely applicable in the new cycle.

New fields are constantly iterating, and every major field often emerges in the early stages with an "impossible" appearance. Leaders from the previous cycle will scoff at this, giving new opportunities to newcomers.

To survive in investments, do not be distracted by the various short-term high return appearances; you need to calm down and find experiences that are suitable for yourself. Internalize these experiences into your blood. Ultimately, it is about seeking "inward" rather than "outward."