Bitcoin technology company Blockstream: The future "privacy war" will be more intense than the controversy caused by scaling.

Bitcoin technology company Blockstream: The future "privacy war" will be more intense than the controversy caused by scaling.

Blockstream's Chief Strategy Officer, Samson Mow, stated in a recent interview that Bitcoin has faced multiple community splits due to scalability issues, resulting in forks like BCH ABC and BCH SV. He also mentioned that as privacy concerns become more prominent, the upcoming "privacy war" is expected to be more intense than the scalability debate.

Table of Contents

  • Regulatory pressure is a decisive factor
  • Development of privacy features will ultimately lead to developer disagreements

Since its inception, Bitcoin has been a topic of contention within the crypto community due to its low scalability. Core developers have proposed various solutions to address the scaling issue, including Segregated Witness (SegWit) and the Lightning Network.

However, Bitcoin ultimately experienced a hard fork due to disagreements. Samson Mow, Chief Strategy Officer at Blockstream, pointed out in an interview that the future privacy battle may be more severe than the scaling battle.

Samson Mow stated that Bitcoin has privacy protocols at its core, but due to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF) regulations on cryptocurrencies, privacy coins are continually being delisted from exchanges. He emphasized:

We might develop anonymous transactions at the base layer of Bitcoin, or we might not. No one can really predict what will happen. If you think the scaling battle was bad, wait until the privacy battle starts, it will be even more chaotic.

It's indeed a difficult time, we don't know which way it will go, but I hope that we will eventually achieve privacy at the base layer, which is why I think there can be other tokens that focus on developing specific features, as Bitcoin may be able to learn and develop that feature in the future.

According to a report, Samson Mow claims he will strongly advocate for privacy at the base layer of Bitcoin but will face significant obstacles. He stated:

These obstacles will come from companies that compromise with regulatory bodies, whether they have a clean origin or not, regulatory bodies may not like privacy coins because it interferes with surveillance capitalism or currency-related regulations.

Further Reading

  • Zcash community votes to retain 20% mining reward for development fund, while BCH community has differing opinions
  • UK Tax and Customs Authority: Will invest in cryptographic analysis technology to track related illicit transactions

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