A tweet for $300,000? Jack Dorsey to auction off Twitter's first tweet as an NFT.

A tweet for $300,000? Jack Dorsey to auction off Twitter

Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey has turned his first tweet from 2006 into an NFT. At the time of writing, the bidding price has reached nearly $300,000.

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Twitter's First Tweet

Cent, a social platform based on Ethereum, allows users to publish their digital artworks, music, articles, and more. In addition, the Valuables tool enables users to turn their tweets on Twitter into NFTs for public auction on the platform. According to the Valuables website:

"The tweet itself will continue to exist on Twitter. What you are purchasing is a digital certificate of the tweet, which is unique because it has been signed and verified by the creator."

While turning tweets from Twitter into NFTs may not seem particularly enticing, if the tweet happens to be the first tweet ever posted on Twitter by its founder, that changes the game. Twitter founder Jack Dorsey posted a link this morning, revealing his first tweet from March 21, 2006:

"just setting up my twttr"

This tweet is the very first tweet on the Twitter platform and has been turned into an NFT by Jack Dorsey. Anyone can bid on this tweet on the platform, and as of the time of writing this article, the bidding price has reached nearly $300,000 worth of Ethereum, with bidding continuing until Jack Dorsey accepts an offer.