Lawyer reveals Meta's latest trademark application: blockchain software, cryptocurrency, virtual currency exchange

Lawyer reveals Meta

Meta (formerly Facebook) has submitted eight new trademark applications, all covering businesses related to cryptocurrency, blockchain, and more. The news has not been officially confirmed and was reported by trademark attorney Mike Kondoudis on Twitter.

Table of Contents

According to its documents, Meta has applied for the following:

  • Cryptocurrency
  • Financial transactions
  • Currency exchange
  • Blockchain software
  • Cryptocurrency wallet
  • Cryptocurrency exchange
  • Digital, encrypted, virtual currency

Trademark attorney Mike Kondoudis had previously been the first to release trademark applications related to American Express, Burger King, PLAYBOY, COACH, LEVI’S, and NBA star LeBron James for metaverse and NFT trademark applications.

This also indicates that applying for a trademark does not necessarily mean promoting related businesses, but may only be a precaution against third parties promoting similar products through their brands. Just in the first quarter of 2022, the number of trademark applications related to NFTs and the metaverse has already exceeded the total number of applications from last year.

In fact, even Burger King has submitted trademark applications for "cryptocurrency trading" and "blockchain software."

Meta founder Mark Zuckerberg has not responded to this news. Recently, in an interview with Lex Fridman, he stated that more imagination and creativity will be required for everyday work in the future:

I think what's exciting about the creative economy and the metaverse is that more people will be doing creative work in the future, rather than the traditional labor that's common today. It's not that all jobs in the future will involve digital art, but some of the infrastructure will be automated, such as kids being able to easily create art through ready-made code, giving everyone more time to create new products, improve efficiency, processes, and so on.