Rainforest Foundation uses blockchain and encryption to save the Amazon in Brazil.

Rainforest Foundation uses blockchain and encryption to save the Amazon in Brazil.

The ongoing forest fires in Brazil have sparked global concern, although images circulated by the media were later confirmed to be from several years ago. The deforestation rate is indeed on the rise, and the media has successfully raised awareness among the general public about the state of the planet. The Rainforest Foundation is currently planning to use cryptocurrency and blockchain technology to help save the ailing rainforests.

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Accepting Cryptocurrency and Building Alliances

The Rainforest Foundation is a non-profit non-governmental organization based in New York, USA, primarily working in Central and South America. They are now looking to support anti-deforestation efforts through cryptocurrency and blockchain technology.

On September 4th, the foundation reached out to the cryptocurrency and blockchain community seeking their support in combating deforestation and forest fires in Brazil. A post on the foundation's website stated:

Since President Bolsonaro took office in January, deforestation rates in the Brazilian Amazon have increased by 75%, and forest fires in the region have doubled compared to last year. As guardians of our tropical rainforests, wildlife, and people, we are partnering with The Giving Block to build an alliance of crypto sponsors, donors, and media partners to halt this disaster.

The Rainforest Foundation mentioned that they are currently accepting donations in cryptocurrencies such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), Litecoin (LTC), Bitcoin Cash (BCH), and others.

Using Blockchain for Transparency

The foundation will leverage the features of blockchain to ensure ongoing transparency, allowing donors to track the foundation's work in the Amazon rainforest and potentially considering using cryptocurrency rewards for those protecting the forests.

Furthermore, the foundation is exploring the use of smart contracts to prevent illegal logging, land trafficking, and protect forests from gold mining.

The foundation's Executive Director, Suzanne Pelletier, stated that the critical situation in the Brazilian rainforest has prompted them to propose innovative solutions. She said:

We need innovative solutions, and no one is more innovative than cryptocurrency users.

The overall concept of blockchain is that everyone becomes a node, a node on this Earth. As transactions in the world become increasingly borderless, should we start paying attention to the help needed by other countries? I believe the answer is yes. As blockchain technology matures, our responsibility to the world will also grow.

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