ENS airdrop for claiming bound DAO governance voting, delegate voting rights, can claim after voting within a week

ENS airdrop for claiming bound DAO governance voting, delegate voting rights, can claim after voting within a week

On the first day of the Ethereum Name Service (ENS) coin airdrop event, the demand for claiming tokens made it the protocol with the highest Ethereum Gas Fee consumption. Over 1,000 ETH had been burned by the time of reporting. With transaction prices reaching nearly $40, many early domain registrants also saw an additional source of income.

Out of the total 25 million tokens distributed in the airdrop ENS contract, there were still 19.65 million tokens left unclaimed at the time of reporting. You can claim them here.

Another key focus of this airdrop claim event is "participating in governance" by voting on the ENS DAO constitution. During the claiming process, individuals need to choose to agree or disagree. The officials stated that voting would be a gas fee-free off-chain activity and will remain open for a week. They recommend participating in the vote first and then claiming ENS when gas fees are lower.

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ENS DAO Constitution Referendum

1. Domain Ownership Rights Not Infringed

ENS governance will not change the ownership rights of any ENS user's domain, nor unfairly diminish domain owners' extensions, transfers, or other domain usage rights.

2. Fees Primarily as Incentive Mechanism

The primary purpose of registration fees is to serve as an incentive mechanism to prevent the abuse of speculative registration of names in the namespace. The second purpose is to provide sufficient revenue for the DAO to fund the ongoing development and improvement of ENS. Apart from these purposes, ENS governance will not establish any fees.

3. Revenue Fund for ENS and Other Public Goods

Any revenue generated by the ENS treasury will first be used to ensure the long-term viability of ENS, and fund the sustainable development and improvement of the ENS system. When deemed appropriate by ENS governance, funds may be used to support other public goods within the web3 space. ENS governance will not allocate funds to teams or individuals that do not adhere to the promised principles.

4. ENS to Integrate with Global Namespace

In order to create the most widely used naming system, ENS aims to integrate as much as possible with the traditional DNS domain naming system without sacrificing the decentralization of ENS. ENS governance will not enact regulations that infringe upon this power.

Governance Delegation Authorization

After voting on the charter, there is also a governance delegation authorization that needs to be selected. You can choose a delegate from the list, whose votes will be used as an expression of opinion on governance proposals, and you can change delegates at any time.