France officially includes Bitcoin in high school curriculum

France officially includes Bitcoin in high school curriculum

Bitcoin is soon to be included in the curriculum of high school economics and social sciences in France. The course will introduce decentralized financial systems and explore various types of cryptocurrencies.

Table of Contents

Bitcoin has recently become one of the courses in many universities, and related courses have been popular among higher education students. In addition, this move by the French Ministry of Education will introduce a new way of looking at money to young students.

It is worth noting that the in-depth analysis of explaining Bitcoin and its role in the economy in high school curriculum is significant. The course goes beyond basic questions about Bitcoin, such as "What is Bitcoin" or "How does Bitcoin work," and delves into the role of this emerging currency or more complex economic issues.

Rise of Bitcoin Education

According to reports, the teacher resources provided by the French Ministry of Education are also part of cryptocurrency education, including four educational videos that pose the following questions:

  • Can Bitcoin replace the Euro?
  • Is Bitcoin the currency of the future?
  • Is Bitcoin equivalent to fiat currency?
  • Do we need to trust our fiat currency?

Furthermore, the teacher resources indicate that students will engage in discussions after watching the videos and compare the functions of fiat currency to Bitcoin. For high school students, the level of knowledge and analysis required in learning about Bitcoin is quite complex and may require a higher level of economic knowledge.

Assuming high school students already have a basic understanding of Bitcoin, the new curriculum will help students understand the differences between this new form of currency and the Euro, as well as the position of cryptocurrency in the future.

Symbolic Inclusion in Curriculum

Although the Bitcoin course included in the French high school curriculum is limited, it carries symbolic significance. Young students are not only expected to understand cryptocurrency but also to analyze its position in the global economy.

More importantly, the analysis of cryptocurrency in the curriculum mostly mentions its advantages, such as the potential to build a trustless financial system and being positioned as part of the future digital economy takeoff, which will also be part of the digital economic life of young students in the future.

In addition to France, according to previous reports from ABM, China is also set to promote blockchain education. The most downloaded application in the Apple App Store in China, "Study the Great Nation," will increase blockchain education content related to Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Further Reading

  • Luxury car manufacturer announces acceptance of Bitcoin payments
  • Get your first Bitcoin! Weekend at Huashan "Blockchain Life Festival 2019", enjoy beer and movies with Bitcoin!

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