Facebook founder hints at being a Bitcoiner? Post unexpectedly gives birth to "Goat Coin"

Facebook founder hints at being a Bitcoiner? Post unexpectedly gives birth to "Goat Coin"

Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg's tweet about Bitcoin did not cause a surge in Bitcoin's price, but unexpectedly gave rise to a new meme coin called "ZuckGOAT."

Zuckerberg, a Bitcoin Advocate?

The cryptocurrency community has long awaited for Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg to follow in the footsteps of Elon Musk and Jack Dorsey, becoming a holder and advocate of Bitcoin. Finally, Zuckerberg posted a post related to Bitcoin today. In the post, Zuckerberg mentioned that he has a goat named Max, and another one named Bitcoin.

Although Zuckerberg did not explicitly state it, the Bitcoin community interprets this post as a sign that Zuckerberg has been paying attention to Bitcoin, possibly even buying it privately. Some netizens pointed out that "MAX" and "Bitcoin" suggest that Zuckerberg is a Bitcoin "Maximalist." Anthony Scaramucci, founder of SkyBridge, even tweeted welcoming Zuckerberg to the Bitcoin community:

"I know Mark Zuckerberg will inevitably become a member of the Bitcoin community after hiring David Marcus from PayPal to run Facebook's crypto business. It's been a long and winding road, but welcome to #Bitcoin. Mark and David are doing great, and I am very excited about what's coming next."

New "ZuckGOAT" Coin Emerges

Amidst the current frenzy in the market, Zuckerberg's tweet has given rise to a new animal coin called "ZuckGOAT GOAT," which exists on the BSC blockchain and was launched this morning, with its own website. After the GOAT token created a liquidity pool on PancakeSwap this morning, a large number of investors flocked in, causing the token price to surge by tens of times, and holders to rapidly increase.