Pushback against fear of Ethereum, Twitter CEO: Single technology cannot overthrow tech giants, Blue Sky project to have major updates next week

Pushback against fear of Ethereum, Twitter CEO: Single technology cannot overthrow tech giants, Blue Sky project to have major updates next week

Twitter's CEO has recently made comments that seem to criticize Ethereum. Just the other day, he hinted at integrating Twitter accounts with the Lightning Network. Then last night on 8/13, he refuted the idea that Ethereum would disrupt tech giants, emphasizing that "no single technology can do that." However, he did acknowledge the value of Ethereum to many, just not to himself.

"#ETH" Becomes a National Flag Symbol

Previously reported, unlike typing #Bitcoin which would display a Bitcoin-specific emoji hashtag on Twitter, after the Tokyo Olympics began, typing "#ETH" would display the flag emoji of Ethiopia.

At the time, this action had already stirred up some discussions in the community about freedom of speech. The founder of Aave expressed that this was due to Twitter's "censorship algorithm," which prevented him from choosing the hashtag he wanted to express.

Furthermore, Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey has made other moves that seem to challenge the Ethereum community.

Explicitly Accusing Ethereum of Fraud?

On 8/12, Jack Dorsey shared a screenshot on Twitter to demonstrate a new feature for linking external applications, and the first tweet in the screenshot happened to be from Bitcoin developer grublés. In the tweet, grublés pointed out:

The Ethereum Foundation pre-mined funds before issuance, paid researchers to promote on podcasts that Ethereum would replace Bitcoin, which is why we think it's a scam.

Jack Dorsey further explained in the comments that the inclusion of this tweet in the screenshot was not a coincidence.

Twitter Integrating NFTs - Bullish for Ethereum?

Former design lead of Cash App, Brandon Jacoby, tweeted stating:

Every Twitter account should have a wallet address for storing NFTs, allowing users to choose any NFT as their avatar in their wallet.

Seyitaylor, the owner of the browser nocodepros.co, retweeted and said:

Compared to Twitter, this seems more bullish for the Ethereum ecosystem.

At this point, although Jack Dorsey verbally agreed, he seemed to want to indicate that Ethereum would not gain an advantage in this matter:

Agreed, however, every Twitter account will be able to integrate with the Lightning Network wallet.

Focus Solely on Promoting Internet Native Currency

Some in the community questioned why there is a focus on the Lightning Network when Ethereum is already a mature platform with a large number of NFT applications.

Jack Dorsey explained:

I agree with the spirit of NFTs, but I have never said that Bitcoin and NFTs will be integrated. It's not about developing NFTs on the Lightning Network, but promoting a global internet currency through the Lightning Network. I only focus on internet native currency, that's it. The principles and structure of any currency are what matter most to me, so for me, that's Bitcoin.

He also emphasized that he does not believe any company should "own" the NFT space.

However, Jack Dorsey's arguments have been interpreted by the Ethereum community as "tech giants fearing Ethereum."

Stance on Ethereum

The Ethereum community pointed out that Jack Dorsey's back-and-forth actions stem from a fear that Ethereum will disrupt traditional tech giants.

Jack Dorsey countered:

Disrupting tech giants is what I need and want, but no single technology can achieve it alone. Focusing on one thing doesn't mean hating on others. I have already made my concerns known about those things compared to Bitcoin. The key lies in foundational principles, security, and decentralization.

Regarding Ethereum, Jack Dorsey believes that Ethereum is extremely valuable to many people, just not to him, and agrees that not attacking projects that support each other is a good idea.

Some in the Ethereum community criticize Twitter's long-awaited "Blue Sky Project" for its lack of progress, claiming to be dedicated to decentralization, while the centralized Binance Smart Chain has exclusive emojis. Jack Dorsey explained and revealed a major announcement:

Realizing the Blue Sky Project will take a long time. We decided to conduct research before hiring project leads, everything is open and transparent. There will be a major announcement next week, as we have said, this takes time. As for the emojis you mentioned, they were purchased, it's a marketing product.