Twitter Employee Secretly Filmed! Insider Information Leaked, Employees Oppose Musk's Acquisition, Alleging he has Asperger's Syndrome

Twitter Employee Secretly Filmed! Insider Information Leaked, Employees Oppose Musk

Today, American political columnist Benny Johnson posted two videos on Twitter from the right-wing investigative organization Project Veritas, which secretly recorded Twitter employees in a restaurant. The conversations touched on many insider details about Elon Musk's potential acquisition of Twitter, as well as the employees' perspectives on the matter.

Twitter in Non-Profit Status

Benny Johnson, a political columnist in the United States, was previously fired for plagiarism and is now a host on the conservative news channel NewsMax TV.

On 5/17, he posted two edited hidden camera videos, one of which features a person claimed to be Alex Martinez, a senior partner at Twitter.

Martinez stated that Twitter is currently in a non-profit status due to an internal "ideology" within the company. They believe there are ways to make the world better, rather than just providing freedom of speech. This also relates to the company's policy on misinformation or fact-checking.

Martinez argued that Musk should not advocate for free speech based on the idea that "people should make their own decisions" because people may not make rational decisions, hence Twitter must limit the appearance of only "correct" things in the public space.

Furthermore, Martinez mentioned that Musk's desire to change Twitter's current practices is driven by his wish to make Twitter profitable.

In the video, Martinez concluded by stating that Musk has Asperger's syndrome and believes he has "special" needs, which may prevent him from taking Musk's words seriously.

In response to Martinez's statements, Musk commented below that Twitter's senior executives are looking to undermine freedom of speech and are mocking people with Asperger's syndrome.

Internal Employees Oppose Twitter Acquisition

The second video features a person claimed to be Siru Murugesan, an engineer at Twitter.

Murugesan mentioned that Twitter does not truly believe in free speech, while Musk does. Musk is a capitalist, but we do not operate like capitalists, rather more like socialists, akin to the Communist Party.

Murugesan pointed out that in reality, we are censoring the right-wing conservatives, not the left-wing liberals. Discrimination does exist. He is unsure if these two factions can coexist on the same platform.

Regarding internal employees' views on Musk's acquisition, Murugesan stated that some extremely left-wing colleagues detest this and have mentioned leaving if it happens. Everyone is worried about their jobs and equity after the news broke, and they are all working hard to prevent this from happening. However, the board agreed to the proposal based on maximizing benefits.

Murugesan mentioned that he only spends four hours a week at the company in the last quarter, which is their work style.

Describing the communist style within Twitter, Murugesan noted that everyone does as they please, no one cares about operating costs and profit growth. Twitter values employees' feelings, allowing them to take days or months off if they feel uncomfortable, while also giving their best at work; this is their culture. He believes Twitter employees may not survive under capitalists.

In response to this video, Musk questioned if this is acceptable, seemingly doubtful about the work style of Twitter employees.

Project Veritas Organization

Project Veritas is a well-known right-wing investigative organization in the United States that uses undercover or hidden camera footage obtained through fake appointments to sell to major media outlets. The content of the videos often carries political manipulation, so viewers are advised to maintain independent thinking while watching.

However, at the end of the first video, Martinez displayed a warning letter from Twitter's internal security team to employees, cautioning them to be wary of organizations like Project Veritas to prevent company information leaks, but it seems to have had little effect as a reminder.