Video decrypts Bored Ape as a Nazi supporter? Yuga Labs founder explains doubts one by one in a post

Video decrypts Bored Ape as a Nazi supporter? Yuga Labs founder explains doubts one by one in a post

On June 19, an account named Philion (@thirdeyeoftruth) released a one-hour video decrypting the Bored Ape Yacht Club. The video revealed connections between the Bored Ape Yacht Club's logo design, ape images, founder's pseudonym, Yuga Labs name, and Nazi symbols and figures. As a result, the account holder believes that various signs indicate that the Bored Ape Yacht Club production company is, in fact, supportive of Nazism and racial discrimination.

Founders Respond to Allegations

Facing such serious accusations, the founders of Bored Ape Yacht Club (BAYC) issued a public letter on the 24th, refuting the claims made by Ryder Ripps and Philion.

First, the BAYC founders believe that in past tweets, they have already explained the origin and concept of Yuga Labs and BAYC. The author of Defiant also criticized Ryder Ripps and others, stating that their speculations are baseless, as the concept of apes is rooted in crypto community culture, not Nazism.

The name Yuga Labs, which Ryder Ripps believes is related to "Kali Yuga" - the age of darkness in Hinduism, has also been associated with neo-Nazis and white supremacists, serving as one of the pieces of evidence. Yuga Labs responded that they have previously explained that this is simply inspired by the character "Yuga" from the video game "The Legend of Zelda."

Yuga Labs also presented a report stating that after consulting with researchers from the ADL anti-hate organization, they found the "evidence" to be weak. They do not believe that the logo is related to Nazism, and the so-called military code has been used by entities other than Nazis.

As for the anonymous Nazi metaphors of the founders, Yuga Labs addressed them one by one:

Founder "Emperor Tomato Ketchup" was accused of sharing a name with a film with fascist imagery. Yuga Labs explained that it was actually the name of a vinyl record album from the 1990s.

Founder "SASS" was said to be an abbreviation for a Nazi code. Yuga Labs explained that the name was chosen because "sassy" sounded fashionable, and it was meant as an inside joke to appear trendy.

Founder "Gordon Goner" was pointed out for having a name that rearranged spells "Drongo Negro," a derogatory term. Yuga Labs explained that Gordon had health issues and had been in and out of the hospital for ten years, so he jokingly gave himself the nickname "Goner" as someone nearing death.

Even the fact that BAYC was launched on the same date as Hitler's death was brought up. Yuga Labs explained that the launch date was not actually on that day; it was a mistake made by a journalist that got perpetuated.

Co-founder Gordon Goner stated that they initially didn't want to respond to such absurd claims but found themselves having to explain. Yuga Labs also mentioned that they will be filing a lawsuit.

As for Philion, he mentioned that he will counter each of Yuga Labs' explanations, stating that this story is far from over.