"New way to 'right-click save image'! What's it like to own top blue-chip? Transformative NFTs fulfill your long-awaited wishes"

"New way to

For those who are dismissive or don't understand NFT technology, "right-click save image" has always been their way of mocking NFTs. However, a recent project has emerged in the market claiming to take the act of "right-click save image" to new heights in the world of NFTs - Not Ditto. Users can freely transform into NFTs owned by others based on their preferences.


Have you ever thought about right-clicking to save someone else's NFT? Or have you ever used someone else's NFT as your Twitter profile picture? If you have engaged in the above behaviors, then you definitely shouldn't miss this NFT project, Not Ditto.

The art style and gameplay design of Not Ditto bear many similarities to Ditto, a shape-shifting Pokémon. Although the project is named Not Ditto and is not Ditto, it's hard not to associate the two after a comparison.


Just as Ditto can transform into various Pokémon, Not Ditto can transform into the desired NFT based on the owner's preferences, including any top blue-chip NFTs.

Go, Ditto, use "Transform"!

If you want to use Not Ditto's transformation feature, you need to go to the official website and connect your wallet that holds the NFT. Then click on the "morph" transformation at the top and choose the Not Ditto you want to use.

After selecting the NFT to transform into, choose the blockchain it belongs to, Ethereum or Solana, and enter the OpenSea or Magic Eden link in the middle column. Click on "morph" and sign the contract to complete the transformation. However, please note that you cannot transform into an NFT that has already been transformed by another Not Ditto.

The NFT being transformed in this instance is CryptoDickbutt #5068. After transformation, the screen will display the relevant information of the NFT, and the original appearance of Not Ditto will be shown in the bottom right corner of the transformed NFT. If you wish to transform again, you will need to wait for a two-day cooldown period.

Note: The minting phase has ended, and purchases can now only be made on the secondary market.

Purely for Fun, Don't FOMO Too Much

By checking the current OpenSea page for Not Ditto, you can see that many Not Dittos have been transformed, displaying various types of NFTs on the page.

If the transformed NFT is a well-known blue-chip, even the name will change, such as NOT CryptoPunks, Not CloneX, Not Azuki, and more.

However, could such potentially infringing behaviors lead to legal action? The Not Ditto official FAQ directly states that it is possible.

"If you get sued, you better call Saul, the protagonist of Breaking Bad." said the Not Ditto official.

Furthermore, the official Twitter account advises not to spend too much money on this project, as it does not collect royalties and is free to mint, with virtually no stable income and a high chance of going to zero.

Social Media Test

After transforming the NFT, the official states that it can be used as a Twitter profile picture and will appear hexagonal, making it easy to disguise as the owner of the NFT.

Recently, Instagram has also introduced an NFT display feature in Taiwan. The following will experiment to see if Not Ditto can have a similar effect on Instagram.

To use this feature, select "Digital Collectibles" in the menu bar and link your digital wallet.

Next, you will be shown instructions on how to use this feature. Once you understand, you can choose the digital wallet to link to, with support for the following five types.

After successfully linking, you can choose which digital collectible to display in the wallet.

The following steps are similar to posting a regular Instagram post. After confirming the NFT information is correct, click "Share to Story."

When sharing Not Ditto, you can choose to use the appearance before or after transformation. Here, the option is to use the appearance after transformation.

After editing the post content, you can proceed to share it.

At this point, your followers will see the shared digital collectible. However, upon closer inspection of the bottom right corner or the NFT's name, they will notice it is transformed from Not Ditto.