Venture capitalist Tim Draper purchases 1 million ANT tokens, qualifying for participation in network governance.

Venture capitalist Tim Draper purchases 1 million ANT tokens, qualifying for participation in network governance.

U.S. venture capitalist Tim Draper purchased 1 million ANT tokens (valued at approximately $823,000) to participate in the Aragon decentralized governance system.

Investing $800,000 in ANT Tokens

Aragon is an open-source project focused on providing governance solutions for decentralized organizations. Aragon aims to provide the framework and tools necessary to create decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) for the online world, ranging from complex organizational structures for thousands of users to simple structures designed for a few.

According to the team, their so-called "court system" can handle subjective disputes that require human judgment in decentralized applications. Since its launch at the end of 2018, the project has created over 1,000 autonomous organizations on its platform and manages $8 million in assets.

Reportedly, venture capitalist Tim Draper, who has previously backed Tesla, SpaceX, Coinbase, and Baidu, invested $800,000 to purchase 1 million ANT tokens, which accounts for 2.5% of the total token supply. Luis Cuende, the Executive Director of the Aragon Association, mentioned in an interview that Tim Draper made this decision mainly because of the recent launch of the "Aragon Court," where ANT holders can use their tokens to participate as jurors in the Aragon Court.

Aragon Building an Online Judicial System

Aragon Court is a novel, efficient, borderless, and secure dispute resolution protocol designed for the internet era. The role of the Aragon Court is to organize an impartial jury to resolve disputes that occur in online or decentralized systems, using a mechanism of rewards and penalties to incentivize the jury to make fair judgments. Every ecosystem member with over 1,000 ANT tokens can participate in the Aragon Court.

The Aragon Court was launched in early February this year, but is currently in a debugging phase for simulated dispute mediation, stress testing the system, and the next step will be to transfer the governance of the entire protocol to ANT holders.

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