"Big Short" author reveals new work related to cryptocurrency, Bloomberg host speculates: Is it about SBF?

"Big Short" author reveals new work related to cryptocurrency, Bloomberg host speculates: Is it about SBF?

The author of the movie "The Big Short," Michael Lewis, revealed that the theme of his next book will be about characters in the "crypto space." Bloomberg Podcast host Joe Weisenthal believes that the protagonist of Michael Lewis's next book will be the founder of FTX, SBF.

Does Walking with Character Prototypes Spark Inspiration?

As early as 1989, Michael Lewis unveiled the lives of Wall Street bond salesmen with his book "Liar's Poker," establishing his own commercial influence.

His most famous work is the 2010 book "The Big Short," which tells the story of six Wall Street figures shorting the U.S. housing market before the financial crisis. Many have asked him to write about cryptocurrencies in the past, but he lacked interest in their stories and concepts. This changed only recently.

He revealed that a friend recently introduced him to a man in the crypto industry, and they had no agreement, just chatting while taking a walk.

But it was this conversation that sparked his interest in the financial market structure and reward distribution. "After the walk, I suddenly realized: Wow, I want to write about cryptocurrencies. I am interested in the financial and market structure, as well as the reward distribution within the financial system. That industry professional inspired me."

He said that the story would be interesting, but he didn't know how the story would unfold because the protagonist's development was happening too quickly. "The development of this character and the current state of the crypto industry are fascinating, so I will definitely write a good story for the readers. I will basically be following this person next year, so I don't know what the story will look like yet."