Oil hegemony to the rescue! Telegram founder Pavel Durov, also a citizen, UAE hopes to provide consular services

Oil hegemony to the rescue! Telegram founder Pavel Durov, also a citizen, UAE hopes to provide consular services

Telegram founder Pavel Durov was recently arrested in France, facing 12 charges including operating an illegal platform, assisting criminal organizations, involvement in child pornography and drug trafficking, failure to comply with legal interceptions, and unauthorized use and provision of encryption technology. The French President further stated that this action was based on judicial investigation and not driven by political motives.

The UAE Extends a Helping Hand! What Solution Does Pavel Durov Have? What Consular Services Are Available?

The UAE has voluntarily announced its intention to provide Pavel Durov with the necessary consular services. Consular services typically depend on bilateral agreements between the country and the detaining nation, international conventions (such as the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations), and the domestic laws of the parties involved.

Typical consular services include:

  • Contact and Visitation: Consular officers can visit detainees to ensure their well-being and confirm fair treatment.
  • Legal Information and Assistance: Consulates can provide local legal information, assist in finding lawyers, or recommend legal aid services. Consulates typically do not directly intervene in judicial proceedings but can provide guidance to the detainee.
  • Coordination and Notification of Family: Consular officers can help notify the detainee's family or designated contacts and assist family members in making necessary arrangements.
  • Ensuring Fair Treatment: Consulates can monitor whether the arrest and trial processes adhere to international standards and raise objections or engage in diplomatic negotiations if unfair treatment is observed.

From this, it is evident that once Pavel Durov's case enters the judicial process, it cannot be resolved solely by the intervention of the foreign ministry but assistance can be provided.

Why was Pavel Durov, the founder of Telegram and spiritual leader of TON, detained? It has nothing to do with freedom but rather with crime and cryptocurrency.

Russian authorities request to visit Pavel Durov; Telegram states: The platform is not responsible for abuse, and such claims are absurd.