is back in the game! The EOS community welcomes back former CTO BM, the next plan is a hard fork to seize power

share is back in the game! The EOS community welcomes back former CTO BM, the next plan is a hard fork to seize power

EOS has been embroiled in a series of internal conflicts in recent months, with the community accusing of inaction, shifting focus significantly, and unilaterally transferring assets to the new exchange Bullish, reminiscent of a Rug Pull. Now, Chief Technology Officer Daniel Larimer has returned to a development position, reportedly forking the EOS GitHub code. If he gains node support after the launch, it would be equivalent to a successful power grab from

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Dan Larimer Returns

Due to the inaction of, former CEO of EOS Nation Yves La Rose has founded the EOS Network Foundation (ENF) and assumed the position of CEO. He is representing the community in negotiations with to stop the allocation of the initial 10% of EOS tokens.

Now, Dan Larimer has returned to a development role. He is not holding any position at but is aligning with the community. He has collaborated on the Mandel codebase with his new project ClarionOS, aiming to fork the long-overdue EOSIO.

The initial version, Mandel 2.3, is the fork version to succeed EOSIO 2.2, with Mandel 3.0 set to follow. If it gains support from super nodes upon launch, ENF will effectively control the EOS codebase and achieve majority community consensus.

Zack Gall, Communications Director at ENF, stated:

Separating from is the first step. They have used all the early ICO funds and associated EOS tokens for the exchange Bullish, which is like a super rug pull operation. They have ruined the EOS ecosystem.

Daniel Larimer remarked:

The Mandel fork is the fastest way for EOS to be self-sufficient, but this is just the first step. I have never been more optimistic about the future of EOS. It is becoming the DAO among DAOs, where new users do not have to pay, and countless people will be rewarded for their contributions.

It is understood that ENF will provide Daniel Larimer with 200,000 EOS tokens as a development reward.