Bitcoin's smallest unit, the Satoshi, is set to receive its own symbol.


The payment application Square App launched an event on Twitter, asking its followers to design a new exclusive symbol for satoshi. The Twitter community responded enthusiastically and submitted dozens of designs, sparking discussions on the future of online cryptocurrency payments.

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Square's CEO Jack Dorsey, also the founder of the social platform Twitter, has long been a supporter of cryptocurrency. He stated in March last year that cryptocurrency will become the global currency:

The world ultimately will have a single currency, the internet will have a single currency. I personally believe that it will be bitcoin, probably over ten years, but it could go faster.

Recently, hundreds of Twitter users joined an initiative advocating for the design of a symbol representing satoshis, where 1 satoshi is one hundred millionth of a bitcoin, 0.00000001 BTC.

The report pointed out that the core of the initiative is: @ on the internet is like the symbol of satoshis in the crypto space, and it may change the future of online transactions.

The response from Twitter users was enthusiastic, with hundreds of replies and retweets. Although there were over a dozen different designs, almost all of them revolved around the same idea - the symbol is more than just a visually appealing mark.

Many designs were variations derived from the bitcoin symbol created by Satoshi Nakamoto, with supporters of similar designs stating they represent the relationship between the "$ and @" symbols.

However, not everyone is satisfied with this design. Bitcoin maximalists believe that the dollar symbol would undermine the essence of cryptocurrency and call for a new unique design, with widespread support to remove the vertical line of the dollar symbol.

In fact, microtransactions or daily payments with cryptocurrency have always been a highly discussed topic, so the enthusiastic response to this initiative is not surprising. This relates to whether cryptocurrency can integrate into the public's daily life, as otherwise, it would be as American economist Paul Krugman said:

The appearance of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin represents a regression in the monetary system by 300 years.

Further Reading

  • Research shows Bitcoin is highly favored by the younger generation in the United States
  • 3 million bitcoins unmoved for 5 years Analysts worry: Low liquidity affects price

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