Breaking News | Ark Invest's bold prediction: Bitcoin's market value will reach six trillion US dollars in the next five years.

Breaking News | Ark Invest

Ark Invest analyst Yassine Elmandjra stated in a recent report that Ark believes Bitcoin will reach a market value of $6 trillion by 2025.

This is not the first time they have made such a claim; in 2020, their report titled "Bitcoin As An Investment" already expressed this viewpoint. Additionally, in their report "Big Ideas 2021," they also predicted that the price of Bitcoin would grow to a value of $200,000 to $500,000.

Analyst Yassine Elmandjra reiterated the reasons for their optimism towards Bitcoin...

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Bitcoin as a Global Settlement Network

If Bitcoin were to capture 10% of the settlement volume of U.S. banks, the market value of the Bitcoin network could reach $1.5 trillion.

Bitcoin as a Means to Prevent Asset Seizure

Throughout one's life, one may encounter corrupt or failed regimes leading to currency inflation or asset seizure. Ark Investment believes that Bitcoin can prevent this, potentially bringing its market value to $2.5 trillion.

Bitcoin as Digital Gold

As the global economy shifts from physical to digital, Bitcoin may challenge gold as the global store of value. According to Ark Investment research, if it achieves 10% of the market value of physical gold, the network value of Bitcoin would nearly double, increasing by approximately $1 trillion.

Bitcoin as a Catalyst for Currency Depreciation in Emerging Markets

If Bitcoin were to occupy 5% of the global monetary base outside the four major fiat currencies (USD, JPY, CNY, EUR), the network value of Bitcoin would increase by approximately one trillion dollars.

Ultimately, whether Ark Investment is right or not, they remind everyone: Do not miss out. The true outcome remains to be seen with time. Investing requires careful consideration of risks.