Buffett's unique views on current events such as Apple, Bitcoin, and the novel coronavirus in an interview.


Warren Buffett recently discussed many topics in an interview with CNBC. Buffett is known for his witty and insightful comments, and many investors consider his remarks as investment guidance.

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18 Key Quotes from Buffett's Interview

In a recent interview with CNBC, the 89-year-old investor and CEO of Berkshire Hathaway, Warren Buffett, shared unique insights on topics such as Apple, Bitcoin, the novel coronavirus, the Democratic presidential candidates, his succession plan, and even his own mortality.

Here are 18 highlights from Buffett's interview:

1. "If I die tonight, the board would know exactly what to do in the morning. But I'd like them to wait until my body is cold." - On Berkshire Hathaway's succession plan.

2. "With or without me, Berkshire's intrinsic value will be virtually the same." - On the long-term prospects of the company.

3. "The two people on stage have a combined age of 185, and we're not going to be touching people with contagions." - In May, discussing the threat of the novel coronavirus at Berkshire's annual shareholder meeting with his 96-year-old partner, Charlie Munger.

4. "Charlie is the best 30-second mind in the world... There's nobody better to talk to at age 96." - Referring to his conversations with Munger.

5. "You should never buy or sell your stocks based on today's headlines." - On the market frenzy sparked by the coronavirus this week.

6. "My science adviser is Bill Gates." - Buffett mentioned discussing the novel coronavirus with the Microsoft founder.

7. "Give me a $100 billion budget, and I can't come up with a product that can do in the existing Coca-Cola." - On the power of brands.

8. "Pursuing returns is foolish, but it's human nature... But when the clock strikes midnight, everything turns into pumpkins and mice." - On the increasing risks insurance companies face.

9. "I don't own any cryptocurrency, and I never will." - On the issue of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.

10. "Introducing Bitcoin is like having money transported in a suitcase. Due to the money being moved from one country to another in a suitcase... The demand for suitcases may decline. You could view this as Bitcoin's economic contribution to society." - On the perceived insignificance of Bitcoin's value.

11. "I don't think having another billionaire supporting him is necessarily a good thing, but I will support him." - On endorsing Mike Bloomberg for the Democratic presidential candidate.

12. "I think we should make sure the goose that lays the golden eggs keeps laying." - On preserving America's capitalist system.

13. "I very much regret Senator Sanders' view that 'many people are being left behind, and it's not their fault'." - On his disagreement with some of Senator Bernie Sanders' views.

14. "In recent years, the American public has become crazy about conglomerates... This field is known as index funds. Buying index funds is equivalent to buying 500 companies, which collectively form an ultimate conglomerate, isn't it?" - On Berkshire Hathaway-style conglomerates.

15. "You can't run a French restaurant and sell hamburgers in it; you can't run a hamburger stand and sell French food in it." - On the need to operate Berkshire Hathaway according to the wishes of its shareholders.

16. "Apple may be the best company I know of in the world." - On Apple (one of Berkshire's largest holdings).

17. "We might show a video of me stomping on my old flip phone while embracing the new smart phone." - On possibly showing a clip at Berkshire's annual meeting of him finally upgrading to an iPhone.

18. "I don't think it will be in the top 15% of my best-performing stocks in the next 10 or 15 years... (but) I can assure you, we will not be in the bottom 25% for a very long time." - On the outlook for Berkshire's stock.


"This article is authorized for repost by Zombit, original source"

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