Twitter explains the difficulties, Musk still says: Twitter cannot prove the ratio of fraudulent accounts, the acquisition deal will not proceed.

Twitter explains the difficulties, Musk still says: Twitter cannot prove the ratio of fraudulent accounts, the acquisition deal will not proceed.

Tesla founder Elon Musk stated at a forum called All-in that 20% of Twitter accounts are fake or spam, a number that needs to be significantly reduced, possibly as a reason for his desire to renegotiate terms. Posts related to the report also confirm:

Twitter CEO Explains Twitter's Approach to Combat Spam Accounts

Facing accounts that send spam messages, current CEO Parag Agrawal stated that Twitter is doing its best to remove them every day.

Moreover, spam is not a binary problem: human or bot. The most sophisticated spam operations combine both real human and automation. They use real human accounts to act, making them difficult to detect.

Parag Agrawal described this as a highly dynamic challenge, with the ads, objectives, and tactics changing daily in response to their efforts. You cannot establish a set of rules today and expect them to work tomorrow.

Parag Agrawal mentioned that they are already suspending 500,000 accounts daily, stopping them before users even see them. Each week, millions of accounts are suspended due to suspicious spam activity. The real challenge lies in some real accounts looking fake and some fake accounts appearing real.

Parag Agrawal believes that Twitter is doing its best to prevent these occurrences, but perfection is unattainable. According to internal statistics, Twitter's spam accounts are less than 5% of daily active users through their verification rules and methods. This cannot be calculated solely through external methods, and some internal data cannot be shared externally. Twitter also wrote a blog post on their perspective on bot accounts.

As of the deadline, it is reported that Twitter has also submitted documents to the SEC, committing to an acquisition deal based on conditions previously proposed by Musk.