In commemoration of the historical bull market, the veteran mining pool Slush Pool will inscribe a Reuters headline into a Bitcoin block.

In commemoration of the historical bull market, the veteran mining pool Slush Pool will inscribe a Reuters headline into a Bitcoin block.

The long-standing Bitcoin mining pool, Slush Pool, recently paid tribute to Bitcoin once again during the mining process by permanently embedding a news headline from December 1st by Reuters in a blockchain message: "Dollar plummets on US stimulus hopes; Bitcoin hits all-time peak."

US Dollar Falls to Two-Year Low

Slush Pool permanently embedded the headline from Reuters into block height 659678:

Dollar plummets on U.S. stimulus hopes; bitcoin hits all-time peak.

Slush Pool also shared this information on their official Twitter account, stating that their miners wanted this Bitcoin bull market headline to be immortalized.

According to Reuters on December 1st, the report mainly discusses the second round of U.S. relief package, where bipartisan lawmakers proposed a $908 billion pandemic economic stimulus plan, including an additional $228 billion payroll protection fund for other small and medium-sized businesses.

The financial markets reacted to this news by pushing the Euro (EUR) against the Dollar to a two-and-a-half-year high, and the New Zealand Dollar (NZD) to its highest level since June 2018. In fact, the Federal Reserve had injected $2.3 trillion in April this year to rescue the market, resulting in significant gains in the stock and cryptocurrency markets.

On December 1st, Bitcoin briefly surpassed its all-time high. However, Bitcoin's historical prices vary across different exchanges, with Bitstamp, KuCoin, Kraken, and Binance all breaking their 2017 highs.

Source: Larry Cermak

Famous Block Messages

One of the most famous block messages is from the first Bitcoingenesis block, where the anonymous founder Satoshi Nakamoto left the headline of the day's "The Times" article:

On January 3, 2009, Chancellor on brink of second bailout for banks.

During this year's third Bitcoin halving, F2Pool inserted a headline from The New York Times on April 9th into the Coinbase data at block height 629,999, echoing the 2009 message:

The New York Times, April 9, 2020, injected $2.3 trillion; the Fed's relief plan far exceeds the 2008 rescue level.

The most whimsical one is the mysterious message in the Ethereum 2.0 genesis block after its launch on December 1st:

Mr. F was here.

This was previously reported, where an Ethereum user with the community account name Mr. Fahrenheit was not entirely sure if he was the validator of the genesis block, hence the casual message. However, Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin found it amusing and retweeted this mysterious message on Twitter.