Is it true belief or mindless optimism? Changing the keyword from Bitcoin to Ethereum in the test of cryptocurrency faith articles, how do the fanatical fans react?

Is it true belief or mindless optimism? Changing the keyword from Bitcoin to Ethereum in the test of cryptocurrency faith articles, how do the fanatical fans react?

Bitcoin enthusiasts have always been at odds with the Ethereum community, each believing that their camp can change the world. As a result, an Ethereum enthusiast conducted an interesting experiment and found that both sides also have a tendency to "like" articles that praise their own camp. In response, the founder of Ethereum personally stepped in, urging the community to strengthen their conduct.

Reddit user arthurtest recently conducted an interesting experiment. He compiled some quotes from Bitcoin enthusiasts including Jimmy Song, Max Keiser, Oleganza, Saifedean Ammous, and others, and replaced the word "Bitcoin" with "Ethereum." The modified quotes are as follows:

  • 2021: The year of reform, things that align with Ethereum will survive and thrive, while those that don't will quietly disappear.
  • Ethereum will earn the title of crypto gold, and all the altcoins you want will die.
  • Ethereum may fail, but the chance of its success is greater than zero. On the other hand, shitcoins have no hope of success other than making the project team rich. This is why shitcoins need someone to promote them to survive, while Ethereum holders don't care at all whether you buy Ethereum or not.

Seeing Praise Articles and Getting Excited

After testing, arthurtest found that the Ethereum community hardly noticed anything unusual. Among the 20+ comments, only netizen HarryZKE noticed an issue and commented:

These all sound like nonsense spouted by Bitcoin maximalists.

Disappointed, arthurtest expressed, "I didn't realize so many of us agree with the views of Jimmy Song, Dennis Parker, Saifedean Ammous, and Max Keiser. In reality, the sour remarks they made were mainly directed at Ethereum and its developers."

Ethereum Founder: A Great Experiment

Ethereum founder Vitalik Buterin also took notice of this news and personally responded on Reddit:

Thank you for conducting this experiment. We must always be vigilant to ensure that we do not become what we have always resisted. I would rather people support Ethereum because they agree with its values, community, and technology, rather than just because 'we are powerful, and everything else is trash, to be crushed by us.'

He emphasized that focusing on the former will strengthen the community's moral conduct, while focusing on the latter will simultaneously attract both morally upright and morally bankrupt individuals, ultimately being eroded by the latter group. If this situation worsens, outsiders will find it difficult to see any difference between Ethereum and other blockchains.

Recently, the Ethereum network has seen a significant decrease compared to peak periods. The "Flashbots" previously reported may be one of the main reasons for this, and the price of Ether has repeatedly hit historical highs, reaching $2,385 before the deadline.

Ethereum researcher Justin Drake initiated a vote in the developer community, and the results show that 86% of developers support completing the Minimum Viable Merge by 2021, including endorsements from Vitalik, some validation nodes, and clients.

As reported earlier, the Ethereum Berlin upgrade was completed on the 15th of this month, and the next step will be the London hard fork tentatively scheduled for July and August, which will introduce EIP-1559, with the merge to follow thereafter.