"ETH is money?" Ethereum OG and believers clash over values

"ETH is money?" Ethereum OG and believers clash over values

The self-media outlet Bankless, which has a loyal following for Ethereum, often interviews many industry leaders and developers, earning praise from the community. In the recent wave of Ethereum reviews, Bankless's statement "ETH is money." has garnered applause from many, but there are also many who do not fully agree with this long-standing slogan.

For example, Péter Szilágyi, a leader of the Ethereum development team, expressed dissenting views: "No OG wants ETH to be money," sparking a heated discussion.

Ethereum Core Developer: ETH Is Not Money

Ethereum's lead developer, Péter Szilágyi, responded to Bankless stating:

"ETH has never been money. ETH is here to support a decentralized world, which indeed gives ETH value. That is, however, no OG ever wanted ETH to be money. Come at me, Bring forth the tar and feathers!"

Note: "Bring forth the tar and feathers" is usually a reference to a way of humiliating or punishing someone. The phrase originated in 18th-century America and Europe when "tarred and feathered" was a public punishment method for unwelcome individuals. Tar would be applied to their skin and then feathers scattered on it as a humiliating punishment. It is now commonly used metaphorically to criticize or condemn someone publicly, usually with a humorous or exaggerated tone, implying that someone should be strongly condemned or ridiculed for their actions.

Bankless Camp Attempts Debate: OG's Thoughts Are Not Important

Bankless co-founder David Hoffman responded, stating that this topic has been beaten to death, and OG's thoughts are not important. The fact is that OGs never wanted ETH to be money but rather to make ETH a uniquely good, trust-neutral money.

Another co-founder, Ryan Adams, also chimed in saying, "I disagree with your take, but thank you for all you've done for Ethereum. ETH is money, or rather ETH has value."

Community Doesn't Care About OG Opinions, Advocates for ETH Value

@iamDCinvestor stated that the value proposition of most digital assets is based on how they are used rather than what people claimed at the beginning or even today. ETH is no exception.

This point made by the netizen is not wrong, just as whether a cryptocurrency is considered a security is defined by how it is sold and marketed. Therefore, the nature of ETH cannot be defined by the OGs.

@MohamedFFouda believes that Ethereum can certainly succeed as a decentralized layer without making ETH money, but to secure this layer, protecting its ETH should have high value, making it money.

Ethereum developers discuss development dilemma, revealing Ethereum has deviated from the right path

Ethereum has always been the pinnacle of DeFi, but with the lackluster performance of ETH's price, Vitalik and other core developers focusing on the realization of ideals have led to dissatisfaction among the DeFi community dedicated to financial applications, prompting criticism of Ethereum. This series of discussions further highlights the divergence between infrastructure developers and ecosystem members.

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