Addressing pain points of Uniswap v3 liquidity migration? Curve launches dynamic stablecoin AMM, CRV surges over 20%

Addressing pain points of Uniswap v3 liquidity migration? Curve launches dynamic stablecoin AMM, CRV surges over 20%

Curve has released a new whitepaper titled "Automatic market-making with dynamic peg," which states: "We introduce the stableswap invariant, which can focus on liquidity around a price of 1 or any other price, creating practical liquidity for stablecoin-stablecoin swaps."

Curve claims to have created a more efficient method than Uniswap v2's x · y = k formula.

Addressing Uniswap v3's Rebalancing Pain Points?

Curve claims that they concentrate liquidity using internal oracle prices and only move prices when it is beneficial. They believe this approach generates higher profits for liquidity providers compared to what Uniswap offers.

Uniswap Founder Responds: Uniswap v3 Offers More Flexibility

banteg, a key developer at Yearn who collaborates closely with Curve, stated: "Curve brings concentrated liquidity without the need for manual rebalancing. There are also dynamic fees." Given that concentrated liquidity is a key feature of Uniswap v3, many previously believed that Uniswap v3's stablecoin liquidity pool posed a threat to Curve's position. This update from Curve can be seen as a response to such claims.

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However, the Uniswap founder responded, stating that banteg misunderstands the essence of concentrated liquidity, which is to provide flexibility and choice to liquidity providers. Moreover, automated strategies can be implemented on top of it. Hayden Adams also mentioned that Curve still uses oracles to feed prices.

It is understood that there are already platforms offering rebalancing strategies specifically for Uniswap v3 liquidity providers, although they may not be widely adopted yet.

CRV Surges Over 20% at One Point