Stay on top of the game! How to track various DeFi data? A list of valuable resources worth bookmarking is here.

Stay on top of the game! How to track various DeFi data? A list of valuable resources worth bookmarking is here.

DeFi data super full-site and tools, covering visualization, statistical information, and API.

Original title: "Bookmark! Make DeFi 'Visible to the Naked Eye,' Grasp the Latest DeFi Trends with These Data Resources"
Written by: Vivek

Since the end of 2017, decentralized finance (DeFi) has been growing at an astonishing rate. Most of these protocols are built on the Ethereum network and continue to dominate its gas usage. These DeFi protocols allow for lending, derivatives, exchanges, and payments without central authorization (or that's the goal). I believe that the emergence of DeFi at the end of 2017 and its development through 2018 brought Ethereum its second mainstream application beyond ICOs (the first being stablecoins), saving the Ethereum network. Many (if not all) of these DeFi protocols currently exist in some form of centralization, but the ultimate goal is full decentralization. Therefore, at present, they should be called permission finance or PeFi, as they can serve users anywhere on Earth, regardless of their location, local regulations and laws, credit records, or professions.

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Below are the reference resources I have compiled, covering DeFi data, visualization, statistical information, and APIs. The latest update for these resources was on March 31, 2020, and they will be continuously updated to add new resources, remove outdated ones, etc.

Table of Contents

Overview of DeFi Statistics and Visualization Data Resources

DeFi Pulse (

DeFi Pulse is an excellent resource and starting point for advanced DeFi data. The Total Value Locked data points show the total amount of Bitcoin, Ethereum, or DAI being used in the DeFi ecosystem. It tracks and maps data on borrowing, derivatives, payments, trading, and asset protocols on Ethereum. The homepage lists all protocols and their rankings by total locked value. Each protocol page features key growth statistics, simple charts, app summaries, and related links. The DeFi list page provides a comprehensive set of resources including projects, wallets, interfaces, newsletters, and podcasts.

DeFi Rate (

Similar to DeFi Prime, DeFi Rate offers lending rates for all popular DeFi protocols (including Aave, Compound, Curve, Dharma, Maker, and Nuo Network). The "Projects" section on the page covers DeFi sectors such as lending, DEX, derivatives, asset management, wallets, insurance, and more. It serves as a good reference point for users looking to explore DeFi projects, read reviews, and stay informed about the latest changes.

LoanScan (

LoanScan provides financial information about DeFi protocols. Current interest rates and borrowing rates for Compound, dYdx, Dharma, Maker DAO, Nuo, Aave, DDEX can be viewed in a simple table. It also displays rates for centralized services like BlockFi and Nexo. It is a legitimate starting point for high-level rates and analysis on USD, USDC, USDT, DAI, SAI, TUSD, PAX, and GUSD. LoanScan also offers historical rates for MCD, Compound, and DyDx, along with loan details (source, outstanding, repayment) and collateral details (supply, ratio, liquidation). Free API documentation can be found here.

Dai Stats (

Created by Mariano Conti, Dai Stats is a simple dashboard with analytical features providing statistics on total DAI supply, total SAI supply, ETH locked in Maker DAO, current stability fee, collateralization ratio, number of open vaults, Maker burn rate, and more. The dashboard has been updated to include statistics on BAT and USDC, these stats have been added to assist liquidity within the Maker DAO protocol.

Alethio DeiFi Tableau Visuals (

Alethio has provided visual dashboards for DeFi. The views and charts include ETH locked in DeFi, SAI locked in DeFi, Synthetix overview, DeFi rates, Compound liquidity, and more. The visualizations are in Tableau format, making them aesthetically pleasing and customizable through sliders and filters.

DeFi Explore (

This is a useful tool for finding detailed information on Multi-Collateral Dai (MCD). The search function allows users to search by CDP ID, transaction, or address. Some statistics provided include highest CDP positions, total CDPs, DAI debt, and a list of system collateral. DeFi Explore also offers data on USDC and BAT locked in protocols, both relatively new features of the Maker protocol.

DeFi Protocol Statistics and Visuals

Aragon Dashboard (

Similar to setting up protocol dashboards, Scout also features an Aragon dashboard. Some advanced visualizations and charts available on the dashboard include total organizations created, active organizations, daily votes, average balances (ETH, DAI, SAI).

Aave Watch (

Aave is an open-source DeFi protocol for lending and borrowing digital assets including SNX, USDT, MKR, TUSD, ETH, ZRX, and more. The dashboard statistics include deposit rates, borrowing rates, available supply, borrowed amounts for each asset. Aave also captures flash loans on the Aave monitoring dashboard.

**MKR Tools (

Created by Mike McDonald, MKR Tools is an analytical dashboard for the Maker DAO platform, tracking protocol statistics including CDP transactions, DAI transactions, stability fees, and token data on DAI and MKR. The historical CDP visualization shows collateralization rate over time. As of March 26, 2020, this information hub has not updated its API to track Multi-Collateral DAI. The statistics are only applicable to Single Collateral DAI. For overall DAI statistics including MCD and SCD, visit

Set Protocol Dashboard (

Scout's "Set Protocol" dashboard provides statistics and visuals on "Set Vaults." Visual content includes total vault balances and detailed breakdown of vault balances by asset: WBTC, SAI, USCD, WETH, cUSDC, DAI, and LINK. The trade volume chart is very useful for reference when looking for accumulated trades, weekly rebalances, and 24-hour statistics. Transaction data, trade set overview, and robot set overview numbers are also displayed in tabular format. Statistics can be filtered by specific dates. For specific data such as number of holders, monthly traders, addresses, and direct etherscan links, it is best to use the official Token Sets website.

Synthetix Stats (

This is a very cool, customizable dashboard filled with charts and widgets related to the Synthetix protocol. Widgets include statistics on active exchange users, new and unique exchange users, SNX locked total value, SNX supply, exchange wallets, top holders, and more. Visuals include charts on quantities, fees, SNX purchases, fees, supply, quantity per address, asset allocation, and more.

The official Synthetix dashboard has not been functional since March 28, 2020, so I highly recommend using Synthetix Stats.

Other Resources
  • Bloxy Maker Dao Analytics - Supports SCD only.
  • Coin Interest Rates - Borrowing APR, Lending APR, total borrowings, and market size statistics for Nuo, DyDx, MakerDAO, Nexo, Compound, and more.
  • Liquidity Pools - Statistics on Uniswap, Curve, and Bancor liquidity pools.
  • DeFi Scan ( - Compound, Uniswap, and SpankChain browsers. Search by address or ENS domain.
  • Whois0x ( - An Ethereum block explorer showing address balances, ERC20 tokens, collectibles, and DeFi positions.
  • These are some English sites for DeFi data statistics, and there are many excellent blockchain data providers offering Chinese DeFi data, such as Tokenview, DappTotal, QKL123, etc.

This article is reproduced with the permission of ChainNews, article source: ChainNews (ID: chainnewscom)