Is there a score for the app? "Coinbase Earn" rejected from the App Store, founder criticizes Apple's policies in a lengthy post

Is there a score for the app? "Coinbase Earn" rejected from the App Store, founder criticizes Apple

Coinbase co-founder Brian Armstrong recently expressed strong dissatisfaction with Apple's App Store policies on his personal Twitter account, claiming that Apple restricts users' ability to earn cryptocurrency and use DApps. He criticized Apple's strict regulations as reminiscent of Microsoft's monopolistic behavior in the 1990s.

"Coinbase Earn" Listing Blocked

It is understood that Armstrong wanted to list on the App Store the educational reward platform "Coinbase Earn" launched by the exchange in 2018. He vented his frustration on Twitter and posted a series of personal opinions and the negotiation process with Apple, highlighting the following:

Many companies are busy dealing with the policy restrictions of the Apple App Store, including Coinbase. These companies choose to compromise to avoid offending, but I want to publicly disclose some of the negotiation processes between Coinbase and Apple. Initially, we tried to discuss the listing through normal channels, I spoke directly with executives, and the negotiation reached an impasse. They said we cannot implement the following features on iOS apps:

  1. Features to earn with cryptocurrency
  2. Features to access decentralized finance applications (DeFi App or DApp applications)

Why is Apple preventing people from making money during an economic downturn? They seem to disagree with users "earning through cryptocurrency," which is the purpose of "Coinbase Earn." Sometimes we accept some strange compromises, like running "Coinbase Earn" on mobile phones and then redeeming rewards on the website, but this only brings a bad experience for Apple and Coinbase users.

Furthermore, they also mentioned that they cannot provide iOS users with a list of DApps, but DApps are essentially just websites, and DeFi and DApps are rapidly developing in the financial innovation space, with huge potential to change the world despite being in the early stages. Their reason is: "This indirectly provides cryptocurrency trading services."

I greatly admire Apple; I think their products are amazing. However, their restrictions on the App Store, especially regarding cryptocurrency policies, are hindering global progress. It seems like they are protecting Apple from competition under the guise of protecting users.

Forcing users to use the App Store instead of DApps (websites) and to use "In App Purchase (IAP)" instead of cryptocurrency payments reminds me of Microsoft's past antitrust issues.

Apple's Policies Criticized Multiple Times

In fact, it's not just Armstrong; Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg has also stated:

I think there are legitimate questions about the monopoly of the App Store that need to be looked into. With the Android system, even if you don't use Google Play, there are still ways to install apps on phones.

In addition, the "In App Purchase (IAP)" on the App Store, which forces developers to use their payment system and charges developers a 30% fee, is controversially referred to as the "Apple tax."

Armstrong concluded by urging to stop stifling cryptocurrency innovation and even hopes that one day cryptocurrency can be integrated into IAP. He also emphasized that he will submit a formal plan to Apple again and will keep users updated on the latest progress.