Uniswap v4 to be launched soon! Introduction to the thriving Hook community and resources of Uniswap

Uniswap v4 to be launched soon! Introduction to the thriving Hook community and resources of Uniswap

On October 19, 2023, the release of Uniswap v4 marked the beginning of a new era. This version not only showcases advancements in innovative technology but also demonstrates the power of community collaboration. Here is an in-depth exploration of the significant contributions of Uniswap v4.

Uniswap v4 Innovation Core: Hooks

One of the core innovations of Uniswap v4 is "hooks": smart contracts similar to software extensions that allow developers to innovate on the liquidity and security of the Uniswap protocol, creating new AMM features.

These hooks run arbitrary code at various points in the action loop of a liquidity pool and are permissionless, meaning anyone can create and deploy a hook. Since the v4 code was open-sourced, developers have written dozens of different hooks, including dynamic pricing, cross-chain liquidity transfers, fair trade protections, median price oracles, and automatic buybacks, among other functionalities.

Collaboration on GitHub

The open-source nature of Uniswap v4 aims to experiment with innovative hook designs and openly build, garnering meaningful feedback and contributions from the community.

Currently, the v4 core and peripheral code repositories on GitHub have been forked over 1000 times, closed nearly 100 PRs, and received over 50 commits. These contributions range from translating the v4 whitepaper into other languages, optimizing gas usage, to larger efforts like migrating tests to Foundry, and more.

Abundant Uniswap Educational Resources

The Uniswap Foundation has integrated rich educational resources and tools to assist developers in building on Uniswap v4. They have created documentation, a hooks directory, sponsored hackathons, and plan for more activities. For instance, Msfew's Uniswap v4 hook resource roadmap includes tools, templates, tutorials, articles, videos, and dozens of hook implementations. Additionally, the Uniswap Foundation and Uniswap Labs co-hosted a workshop on v4 and hooks before the ETHGlobal New York hackathon, leading to several hook projects.