Was it said a hundred years ago? Henry Ford plans to replace gold with energy currency and end wars

Was it said a hundred years ago? Henry Ford plans to replace gold with energy currency and end wars

In 1921, American entrepreneur Henry Ford proposed the creation of an "energy currency," laying the foundation for a new monetary system. The concept of energy currency shares remarkable similarities with the peer-to-peer electronic cash system outlined by Satoshi Nakamoto in the whitepaper introducing Bitcoin in 2008.

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According to a report, on December 4, 1921, the New-York Tribune published an article outlining Ford's vision of using energy currency to replace gold. He believed this currency could break the elite bankers' control over global wealth and end wars. He planned to achieve this goal by building the "world's largest power plant" and creating a new currency system based on "units of power."

Ford explained to the New-York Tribune reporter at the time that under the energy currency system, the standard would be a certain amount of energy exerted within 1 hour, equivalent to $1. This was just a case of thinking and calculating differently from the international banking group's regulations we are accustomed to. Specific details about the currency value would be presented when Congress was willing to listen to opinions.

Although Ford never managed to advance his energy currency, Bitcoin seems to have proven his vision a century later.

Since 2009, over 18.8 million bitcoins have been created through energy-intensive mining, but this method has faced severe criticism due to its environmental impact. Bitcoin is also moving towards the ability to accelerate the transition to renewable energy.

Regarding the relationship between gold and war, Ford believed, "The fundamental evil in the relation between gold and war is that gold can be controlled. Break the control, and you stop the war."

Supporters of Bitcoin believe that this cryptocurrency aims to establish sound monetary principles by reducing financial conflicts caused by national currency inflation. While the gold standard is too cumbersome to induce inflation, as Ford explained, international bankers control most of the gold supply. This control and the process of accumulating precious commodities have enabled financial elites to create a vibrant currency market and thrive during wartime.

The New-York Tribune article spread widely on the cryptocurrency board of the Reddit community on Saturday, receiving considerable feedback. Although Satoshi Nakamoto never mentioned Henry Ford, Reddit users speculated that the creator of Bitcoin may have been influenced by the late industrialist. Some even joked that Satoshi Nakamoto was actually a reincarnation of Ford.

This article is authorized to be reproduced from Horizon News Network