Amazon Blockchain Platform AMB launches more features, advancing Web 3 services.

Amazon Blockchain Platform AMB launches more features, advancing Web 3 services.

At the AWS Web3 Blockchain Summit in New York these days, Amazon unveiled new tools added to its blockchain platform Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB), which will enable developers to more easily construct Web3 software based on blockchain technology.

AMB Adds Access and Query Features

Amazon Managed Blockchain (AMB) is a service launched by Amazon on its cloud platform AWS. It is a fully managed service that enables users to easily create and manage scalable blockchain networks using Hyperledger Fabric, an open-source framework initiated by the Linux Foundation in 2015, and Ethereum.

According to its official website, Amazon has introduced Access and Query tools in AMB to help developers seamlessly interact with public blockchains, enabling them to quickly and securely build scalable applications.

  • AMB Access: With AMB Access, developers can immediately invoke standard remote procedure call (RPC) to interact with digital assets and distributed applications built on multiple blockchains, starting with the Bitcoin network.
  • AMB Query: Initially supporting the Bitcoin and Ethereum networks, it provides standardized and formatted blockchain data from multiple blockchains. Applications can quickly utilize this data without the need for complex data transformations or expensive storage costs. Developers can retrieve data in a standardized format through application programming interface (API).

Amazon notes that potential applications of this feature include hosting and wallet encryption applications, as well as Web3 consumer engagement activities using NFTs.

Amazon Quietly Cultivating Blockchain Platform

Amazon, with the world's largest cloud platform, has always been closely watched by the crypto community for its movements in the blockchain world. Previous market rumors suggested that it would launch an NFT project in combination with physical goods in the form of a private chain, but this has never been officially confirmed.

However, it appears that its quietly cultivated blockchain platform, AMB, has attracted significant institutional usage. Brazil's Itaú Bank, for example, has shortened its time to market by several months using AMB Access and is also considering using AMB Query to quickly access key balances and transaction information stored on the blockchain.

The Singapore Exchange (SGX) is also collaborating with Amazon to transfer its existing investments in Hyperledger Fabric to Amazon Managed Blockchain. By managing the underlying platform, AMB allows customers to focus more on adding business value.