Earn Bitcoin by buying pet supplies! Reward platform Lolli partners with well-known pet supply store

Earn Bitcoin by buying pet supplies! Reward platform Lolli partners with well-known pet supply store

On August 26, International Dog Day, the shopping app Lolli, which features Bitcoin rewards, announced a partnership with the pet supply retailer Petco. This collaboration allows pet lovers to earn additional satoshi rewards on their monthly purchases of pet supplies.

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Petco is a pet supplies retailer based in San Diego, with over 1,500 locations in the United States and Mexico.

Starting now, customers who purchase any pet products on Petco.com using cryptocurrency will receive 3.5% back in "satoshi".

Satoshi is the smallest unit of Bitcoin, where one satoshi represents one hundred millionth of a Bitcoin, or 0.00000001 BTC.

According to a report, Lolli, the company behind this initiative, aims to expand the cryptocurrency user base by providing for consumers' essential needs.

Co-founder of Lolli, Matt Senter, stated:

Pet food, snacks, and toys are monthly recurring expenses, and now our users can expect additional Bitcoin rewards to take care of their pets, especially puppies.

Lolli, headquartered in New York and founded in March 2018, is the first Bitcoin rewards application. When users shop on the company's partner websites, Lolli receives a percentage of the profit and returns Satoshis, the smallest unit of Bitcoin, to users in a cash-back-like manner.

Lolli is a browser extension currently supported on Chrome, Firefox, and Safari, among other major browsers. The company has partnered with over 500 top brands, including Walmart, Hotels.com, and online retailer Overstock.

Lolli has been actively expanding its business scope and strategic partnerships. Previously, it was reported that on June 25th, the company announced a partnership with Hotels.com, allowing users to earn additional Bitcoin rewards when booking hotels.

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