Ethereum mining pools contribute significant computing power to assist in analyzing the Wuhan coronavirus and potential treatment methods.

Ethereum mining pools contribute significant computing power to assist in analyzing the Wuhan coronavirus and potential treatment methods.

CoreWeave, the largest U.S. mining pool on the Ethereum blockchain, plans to contribute the computing power of 6,000 GPU mining rigs to Stanford University's research project on the COVID-19 pandemic, aiding in the analysis of the virus and potential treatments.

Decentralized Virus Research Project

Theproject led by Folding@home, which is one of the research projects at Stanford University in California, aims to distribute the analysis of large and complex virus proteins to personal computers around the world, utilizing the computing power contributed by volunteers to research diseases such as cancer, Alzheimer's, and Parkinson's. Contributors only need to download a simple program to download a small amount of data for analysis, use idle computing power to analyze it, and then return the analysis results to Stanford University.

Source: folding@home

Currently, as the COVID-19 pandemic rages globally and various research units, including IBM's supercomputer, are researching vaccines and methods to combat this disease, an effective treatment has yet to be found. Therefore, Folding@home has decided to focus on the research of COVID-19. As the computational process is highly efficient through GPU parallel computing, global GPU manufacturer NVIDIA has also joined the effort, calling on gamers to contribute idle GPU computing power.

Ethereum Mining Pool Contributes Half of Its Computing Power

On the other hand, the Ethereum mining pool CoreWeave has decided to contribute the computing power of its 6,000 mining machines originally used for mining Ethereum blocks to Folding@home's research project, dedicating effort to the research of COVID-19. According to CoreWeave's official statement, these 6,000 GPU mining machines account for about 0.2% of Ethereum's total computing power, while representing more than half of its mining pool's total computing power, earning approximately 28 ETH per day (valued at around $3836 at the time of publication). CoreWeave co-founder Brian Venturo stated:

"Their research has had a profound impact on the development of frontline HIV defense drugs... This is a big deal for the Ethereum mining industry, which is essentially the largest GPU computing resource on the planet. We can quickly deploy our hardware and respond to such research projects within minutes."

CoreWeave's initiative has prompted other miners to announce their support for Folding@home's research project. Johann Tanzer, founder of, pledged that the largest contributors of computing power to Folding@home would receive 15 XTZ. This initiative has attracted the participation of many Tezos miners and donations from the community.

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