Adopted hopefully? "Coil," a Ripple-based rewards platform, introduced by well-known magazines under the Conde Nast umbrella, such as "GQ."

Adopted hopefully? "Coil," a Ripple-based rewards platform, introduced by well-known magazines under the Conde Nast umbrella, such as "GQ."

The content reward platform Coil, based on Ripple, has made significant progress in the past two months. Not only did it integrate with WordPress last month, but according to discoveries from the XRP community, its parent company, Condé Nast, an international group that includes renowned publications such as "The New Yorker," "GQ," "Vogue," and "WIRED," is currently testing Coil's browser extension software to generate more revenue for the group.

Headquartered in New York, Condé Nast attracts over 435 million readers globally each month through its major well-known magazines. The company, established in 1996, also has a branch in Taiwan and has previously launched fashion bibles like "GQ" and "Vogue," which are highly popular among young people.

Progress of Coil in the Past Year

Coil released its public beta version in May last year. Founded by former Ripple CTO Stefan Thomas, the Coil platform aggregates content from platforms that creators originally use, such as Wikipedia, YouTube, and Twitch, requiring subscribers to pay $5 per month to access specific content. The platform rewards creators with XRP tokens.

The discovery of the new feature was first made by Twitter user Eric Dadoun in the Wired platform, where he noticed the ability to use Coil's extension for payments, enabling tipping to authors or other content creators with XRP or other cryptocurrencies.

Source: @EDadoun

After learning about Coil's progress, other XRP enthusiasts found that platforms under Condé Nast had enabled Coil's extension, such as Vogue, Epicurious, Glamour, Self, Pitchfork, GQ Style, and Them.

Coil introduced several new features last month, including the launch of a new WordPress extension plugin and a collaboration with wallet service provider Uphold, offering bank integrations in over 35 countries, supporting more than 50 different currencies.

A Quiet Collaboration

Ripple is one of Coil's main investors, injecting 1 billion XRP tokens and $4 million in the first round of funding last year. Strangely, the collaboration with Condé Nast, which should have been widely promoted, was only discovered by the crypto community through their own investigation of the new feature.

Coil's official Twitter account did not make any posts about this, and although Condé Nast activated the Coil extension on all its platforms, no official announcement was made, indicating that this is likely still in the testing phase.

According to crypto news flash, Coil's co-founder Niels confirmed this information, stating that Condé Nast is testing the platform. While it is a restricted test and users currently cannot access subscriber content, the tipping payment feature has been simplified compared to the current process.